
An Evaluation of Chilean dairy farmers' perceptions of their voice in the governance of the Chilean dairy industry with particular regard to the New Zealand dairying presence in Chile

Acosta Galaz, Karina P.
Fields of Research
The relationship between the Chilean and New Zealand dairy sector come from the arriving of Fonterra, a big New Zealand dairy company, in Chile in 1987. Factors such as a free trade agreement between Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore, the Trans- Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPSEP) or P4, signed in 2005, as well as the natural geographic conditions of Chile have facilitated this development. The relationship between Chile and New Zealand has contributed to the entry of more New Zealand dairy investments in the Chilean dairy industry, especially Fonterra becoming the major shareholder of the biggest Chilean dairy company, Soprole. The possible effects of this are causing some concern for the Chilean dairy farmers. This study aims to evaluate Chilean dairy farmer’s perceptions of their voice in the governance of the Chilean dairy industry with particular regard to the New Zealand dairying presence in Chile.