
An orthotropic model for heat transfer in Pinus radiata in low temperature kiln-drying

Liu, H.
Kulasiri, D.
Samarasinghe, Sandhya
Fields of Research
ANZSRC::0803 Computer Software , ANZSRC::0806 Information Systems
During drying, heat and mass transport in timber results in deformation. Heat transport in timber has long been an important topic in drying technology. In this paper, Lykov's formulas, which were originally developed for homogenous capillary porous bodies, are expanded by incorporating the orthotropic properties of wood. Finite element analysis is used for the numerical solutions. The empirical models are used to generate specific heat, conductivity and convection heat transfer coefficients on this basis of experimental drying conditions and wood properties. Typical heat transport phenomena, temperature profile and thermal gradient, are illustrated using three-dimensional graphs.