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Publication Open Access Christchurch suburban mall pedestrian count(Lincoln University, 1990) Croft, CSThis book has been produced jointly by Lincoln University and the Canterbury-Westland Branch of the New Zealand Institute of Valuers. The book is intended to provide valuable data on the pedestrian movements within the Central Christchurch area for professionals and business people involved in central city property.Item Open Access Is a vending machine my best bet? Understanding key factors determining US consumers’ preference and loyalty to fruit vending machines(Politeknik Negeri Bandung, 2024-07-31) Botero, Julio; Rombach, Meike; Dean, David; Gan, ChristopherThis study investigates the key factors influencing US consumer preference and loyalty to fruit vending machines compared to other distribution channels. It specifically examines the roles of experience, quality and value, COVID-19, convenience, freshness, and safety-related benefits of fruit vending machines. Data was collected through an online consumer survey and analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings reveal that the strongest predictors of consumer preference and loyalty are experience and perceived quality and value of the fruits. Convenience benefits appear significant only when comparing vending machines to other distribution channels while food safety does not emerge as a key factor. These findings add valuable insights for fruit growers and marketing managers in the US food retail sector.Item Open Access Bridezilla and her floral antics: Understanding narcissistic consumer behaviour in New Zealand’s floristry sector(2024) Rombach, Meike; Manna, Valerie; Dean, DavidThis teaching case was developed for a face-to-face class discussion in Marketing in a Horticultural/ Agribusiness context. The case discusses narcissistic consumers, marketing ethics, service and resolving conflict in an applied context of New Zealand’s floristry industry. These topics are uncovered and addressed by Sandra Tamāhine, a floral business owner, mentor and chairperson of the industry group “Women in Floristry New Zealand”. Through a phone call, a Bridezilla problem is brought to Sandra’s attention, which keeps her wondering how to handle entitled Bridezillas or narcissistic consumers, the potential consequences of the incident and the extent of the problem. Over three days, Sandra needs to link these emerging challenges with relevant marketing theories, providing practical advice and recommendations.Item Open Access Understanding drivers, barriers and value contribution of the land based social enterprise "Rakau"(2024) Kerr, Campbell; Kartikasari, Sri; Spence, Paul; Rombach, MeikeNew Zealand's food and fibre sector is crucial to the economy, with export revenue reaching $57.4 billion in 2023. Despite challenges, social enterprises in this sector contribute to society and the environment. This study aims to explore how these enterprises create and distribute value within communities and evaluate the barriers and opportunities presented by the bio- physical environment. The study focuses on "Rakau", a social enterprise in the Bay of Plenty, which provides employment and education to challenged individuals and focuses on environmental conservation. The research uses a qualitative case study approach to gain an in-depth understanding of the complex issues and real-life phenomena.Publication Open Access Do private rental tenants pay for energy efficiency?: The dynamics of green premiums and brown discounts(Taylor & Francis Group, 2024) McCord, Michael; Davis, Peadar; McCord, John; Haran, Martin; Squires, GrahamThe rental market, notably within the UK, is facing increased scrutiny with the tightening of regulation in relation to energy performance and the increases in energy costs and rental unaffordability. Whilst a sizeable volume of research has examined the pricing effects of EPCs and house prices, scrutiny of this relationship within the private rental sector remains more embryonic. This study, using 2,914 transactions for Northern Ireland, extends the traditional analysis beyond the conditional mean estimate by examining the quantiles of the relationship between EPCs and rental prices. The findings provide evidence of a rental premium of 0.2% for a one-point improvement in energy efficiency. In terms of EPC ratings, we find premiums for B- and C-rated dwellings of 8.2% and 2.4% and also discount effects for E, F and G-rated properties ranging between 3.9%-5.5%. The quantile findings exhibited a parabolic effect across the price distribution demonstrating the lowest and highest priced properties to comprise higher price premiums of 13% and 16% for B-rated dwellings, however more pronounced discount effects for F- and G-rated properties at the lowest and highest deciles. The findings provide evidence to help alleviate the split-incentive problem between landlords and tenants within the UK.Publication Open Access Eating macro-algae (seaweed): Understanding factors driving New Zealand consumers’ willingness to eat and their perceived trust towards country of origin(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-05) Rombach, Meike; Dean, DavidMacro-algae is an umbrella term for seaweed, which is an important ingredient in many novel food products in New Zealand and other Australasian countries. While attitudes, consumption motivation, knowledge, and socio-demographic consumer profiles have been investigated in specific countries in the region, consumer behavior such as willingness to eat and factors driving this behavior have not yet been explored. Therefore, the present study fills this research gap in a New Zealand context and explores predictors of New Zealand consumers’ willingness to eat macro-algae and their perceived trust towards the countries of origin of these products. The symbolic value of food, health importance, food safety concerns, and food fussiness were the factors under investigation. The work builds on an online questionnaire and a sample of 437 consumers mirroring the New Zealand population in terms of gender, age, and annual household income. Data were collected through an opt-in panel provider in November 2023. The data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and partial least square structural equation modeling. Results show that health importance and food fussiness tendencies are the strongest predictors of willingness to eat and trustworthiness of the two countries of origin. Best practice recommendations for marketing managers in New Zealand food retail are provided.Publication Open Access Leave the milk for the calf and spread the word: Exploring factors determining US consumers’ willingness to try plant-based milk alternatives and their word-of-mouth sharing about plant-based milk alternatives(MDPI, 2024-06) Rombach, Meike; Cong, Lei; Dean, DavidPlant-based milk alternatives are important beverages in US consumer markets. Sustainability, consumer awareness, lifestyle changes, and other value-based reasons are why these beverages are increasing in popularity. The present study is focused on plant-based milk alternatives. It builds on an online consumer survey that explores the factors explaining US consumers’ willingness to try plant-based milk alternatives and their word-of-mouth sharing about these beverages. Animal welfare concerns, environmental concerns, health consciousness, and dairy preferences are the factors under investigation. Results show that animal welfare, dairy preference, environmental concerns, and plant-based milk enthusiasm are significant predictors for willingness to try plant-based milk alternatives. Dairy preferences, environmental concerns, and plant-based milk enthusiasm predict the word-of-mouth factors. Overall, plant-based milk enthusiasm is the strongest driver for both consumer behaviours. Best practice recommendations address marketers in the US food and beverage industry and provide suggestions on how to target different consumer groups based on nutritional preferences and needs and on value-based product characteristics.Publication Open Access The reverse mortgage market in New Zealand: Key drivers of loan determination(Taylor & Francis, 2024-03-29) Hutchison, Norman; MacGregor, Bryan; Ngo, Thanh; Squires, Graham; Webber, Don JThis paper examines the drivers of loan principals in the reverse mortgage and equity release market in New Zealand using a hedonic price model (HPM) approach. Our analysis using reverse mortgages data between 2004–2021, sourced from one major reverse mortgage bank, provides four key findings. First, the term of payment for repaid reverse mortgages is positively associated with loan principals, implying that longer repayment terms allow applicants who were able to repay mortgages to borrow more. Second, there is partial evidence to suggest the presence of a positive linear impact of the value of the current property on its loan principal, in line with previous house price modelling studies. Third, older applicants (age 75+) borrow less than younger applicants, which may be due to their repaying ability. Fourth, we confirm a positive effect of interest rates on reverse mortgage amounts but reject the positive association between wider loan-to-value policy restrictions and equity release lending amounts. The results broadly highlight that the house price is more relevant than any individual characteristic of a property in determining loan principals, and that all drivers are relevant in the early stage of the development of the reverse mortgages market in New Zealand.Publication Open Access Land banking, land price and Ghana's informal land markets: A relational complexity approach(Elsevier, 2024-06) Sasu, A; Javed, A; Imran, M; Squires, GrahamLand banking practices have received little attention on how such practices shape informal land markets in developing countries. Drawing on a relational complexity framework, this study explores the land banking experience in Ghana's informal land markets. This research conducted semi-structured interviews with over thirty participants from four communities within the Ghanaian informal land market. The analysis revealed that developers are banking large tracts of land as capital investments through land dispositions. The absence of development on these banked lands has created a situation where developers are gradually influencing land prices. The analysis also shows that developers have created complex ongoing relationships with customary land managers. This coalition relationship has shaped land prices through the displacement of state-mediated statutory powers for land exchanges. The study recommends revisiting of stakeholder discussions on the enforcement and monitoring of the processes required under the Ghanaian Lands Commission guidelines for large-scale land transactions.Publication Open Access Finding nori—Understanding key factors driving US consumers’ commitment for sea-vegetable products(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-03-01) Rombach, Meike; Botero, Julio; Dean, DavidThe trend toward sustainable and healthy food consumption has stimulated widespread debate. US consumers demand healthy and sustainable food options and are increasingly interested in alternative proteins such as macro-algae, also known as sea-vegetables. The present study is built on the responses of an online survey aiming to explore US consumers’ commitment towards varying sea-vegetable-based products. Affordability, sustainability, taste, environmental friendliness, and health benefits, as well as product novelty and versatility, were the factors under investigation. All factors were found to be equally strong predictors for sea-vegetable product commitment. Best-practice recommendations for US food marketers and agricultural producers are also provided.Publication Open Access The role of the state in encouraging the supply of senior housing: Housing-with-care and retirement villages in Scotland and New Zealand(2023-01-15) Fyfe, Andrew; Hutchison, Norman; Squires, GrahamThe inexorable increase in the demand for senior housing across all countries is well recognised with attention focusing on supply side responses. Adopting a welfare perspective, this paper considers whether leaving the supply of housing-with-care to the market alone will achieve optimal societal outcomes or lead to the under provision of senior housing. The level of state intervention in senior housing markets is considered employing a comparative approach of the experience in Scotland and New Zealand. State interventions were analysed in the areas of planning, property law and social care integration. The evidence would suggest that the market in New Zealand is more regulated than is the case in Scotland, thus enabling developers and investors to operate and invest with greater confidence, resulting in higher levels of supply. Given the current shortfall in appropriate age-related accommodation in Scotland this leads to the conclusion that the Scottish government needs to intervene more proactively in the market to stimulate and direct construction activity if a senior housing crisis is to be avoided.Publication Open Access House prices, airport location proximity, and air traffic volume: Plus some Covid-19 effects(2023-01-15) Ngo, Thanh; McCord, Michael; Squires, Graham; Lo, DanielAlthough house prices and airports are influenced by distinct factors that shape their evolutions, they are also intrinsically connected through the natural and built environment. Standard theory suggests that air-traffic noise and proximity to key economic hubs such as airports are of prime importance to house prices and the housing market. This study contributes to understanding the link between the housing market, airport location proximity, and air traffic. The research investigates this association across four key urban areas within New Zealand with an international airport - Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Queenstown. Applying GLS regression analysis reveals that house prices, air-traffic activity, and proximity to airports within New Zealand demonstrate a statistically significant spatial effect. Moreover, we demonstrate that more air traffic helps increase house prices, which is consistent with the literature. Findings also show a U-shape relationship between distance to the airport and house prices, suggesting that airport noise and other externalities can adversely affect the housing market. Furthermore, the new Zealand housing market experienced a significant price increase during the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst the airport volume decreased during an extensive lockdown period and longer-term halting of international arrivals.Publication Open Access Rural contractor staffing – Challenges and solutions(New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management, 2023-12) Smith, DanielContribution to GDP and communities. There are over 7,000 rural contracting companies in New Zealand providing a range of services, including cultivation, harvesting, forage-making, shearing, fencing, ditch cleaning, hedge trimming, and fertiliser and chemical application, and as such are an important part of the rural economy. Not only do they contribute nearly as much to GDP as the forestry industry, but their contribution is also growing by around 6% per year. Rural contractors make a significant contribution to the entire agriculture industry, as they are usually more efficient than the farmer at what they do. This greater efficiency varies based on business, service type, region and farm types., Efficiency is driven by specialised equipment and skill sets, economies of scale, highly trained staff, advanced knowledge, use of the latest technology and operational excellence. Of these, operational excellence is the most prominent characteristic of these businesses.Publication Restricted Alternative workplace solutions for university academic staff : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Property Studies at Lincoln University(Lincoln University, 2001) Randrup, C. R. C.Work roles and patterns are changing dramatically. Australian and New Zealand university academic staff have had their workload and the hours worked in an average working week increased. The nature of their work has radically changed to incorporate greater time on administration and less on research and teaching. Where and how academic staff work is now under review. The office workplace has evolved as tertiary organisations are looking at ways to improve their competitiveness, productivity and to accommodate within building resources the new direction of education delivery. In the 1960's office landscapes experienced new directions with the introduction of the burolandschaft or open office plan design. The office continues to undergo change, with current and emerging trends in technology enabling the development of the non-traditional approach to office space such as the concept of Alternative Workplace Strategies. These strategies provide for a variety of transient work patterns, undertaken at a variety of locations and venues. This research examines recent workplace strategies in tertiary organisations by investigating as a case study, Auckland University of Technology. It also endeavours to understand the changing working environment of academic staff and to ascertain the best-suited workplace approach or approaches. A questionnaire was prepared, circulated to two thirds of AUT academic staff and analysed. The research concludes that AUT academic staff should now be working in a variety of work settings, preferably a blend of the cell and club office arrangement. This approach provides the flexibility in workplace management withou~ causing major changes to the culture and organisational management processes of AUT.Publication Restricted A review of forests and production forest management in New Zealand: A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science in the University of Canterbury(Lincoln College, 1981) Novis, J. B.This review was prepared while gathering data for a Master of Applied Science thesis concerning the Energy Requirements of ExoticProduction Forestry. In addition to providing background information for this thesis, a further objective of the report was to serve as an introduction for students of the Joint Centre for Enviromnental Sciences, Lincoln College, to forestry and production forest management in New Zealand. A brief outline of the impact of man on the natural forest environment, his gradual development of a forest policy and evolvement of an exotic forest estate, is followed by a review of production forest management practices, The report concludes with a discussion on the management for timber production of New Zealand is merchantable indigenous forests. The review is based on a literature survey which encorporated FRI symposiums, FRI branch reports, articles from the N.Z. Journal of Forestry, LIRA reports and numerous. relevant publications available in the libraries of the University of Canterbury, In addition, a considerable quantity of information was forwarded by well informed individuals actively engaged in forest management.Publication Open Access Droning on.......An investigation of New Zealand's environmental compliance regulatory processes via the ‘eye in the sky’(NZARES, 2022) Westbrooke, Victoria; Lucock, Xiaomeng; Greenhalgh, IWith the implementation of the Essential Freshwater policies that commenced in 2021, a greater understanding of the environmental compliance regulatory processes with New Zealand would be of benefit for all parties involved. As the majority of farms are required to have Freshwater Farm Plans, regional councils will need to explore efficient processes which could include drone use. This qualitative study revealed the importance of the environmental compliance officer-farmer relationship, as well as ways to enhance and challenges to the relationship. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 respondents from five Regional Councils and one from Central Government, exploring their view on incorporating drone use in the compliance processes. Qualitative data was thematically analysed. Respondents reported that a positive relationship between environmental compliance officers and farmers was important. A positive relationship encouraged farmers to approach compliance officers for assistance with on-farm environmental management and hence enhanced compliance. Questions were raised as to whether it was appropriate for compliance officers to have a positive relationship with farmers, as impartiality may be compromised. Nevertheless, trust is required if drones are to be used to achieve greater efficiency in the processes. Ways to enhance this professional relationship included compliance officers spending time in a region and also spending time with individual farmers. It is beneficial for the compliance officers to have farm management experience and/or skills and knowledge that farmers considered useful. Challenges to building a positive relationship were compliance officers spending a short time in a region and needing to balance time spent between building trust and actual compliance tasks required. The research concludes that trust is essential if technologies such as drones are to be used to achieve greater efficiency in environmental compliance processes.Publication Open Access Labs, field trips and tours during ERT: Insights from a New Zealand specialist land-based university(ASCILITE Publications, 2023-11-28) Rosin, Victoria; Westbrooke, Victoria; Lucock, Xiaomeng; Bailey, Alison; Cochrane, T; Narayan, V; Brown, C; MacCallum, K; Bone, E; Deneen, C; Vanderburg, R; Hurren, BStudent and lecturer insights gained on the pedagogical practices used during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) for laboratory, field trip and tour practices, should be used to inform and improve in-person and online higher education programs for the traditionally practical-based courses of agriculture, horticulture and food. Qualitative lecturer focus group data was thematically analyzed and used to develop the online student survey. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected in mid-2021 from the online survey of students. Survey qualitative data was thematically analysed and used to validate and expand on the quantitative data descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that agricultural classes with practical components can be transitioned to deliver some material online to provide additional benefits that enhance the practical components, adds to existing material, and provides benefits in the understanding of that material for students. To transition these components well requires time, funding and online pedagogy professional development to be successful.Publication Open Access Kelp wanted?! Understanding the drivers of US consumers’ willingness to buy and their willingness to pay a price premium for sea vegetables(MDPI, 2023-12) Rombach, Meike; Botero Robayo, Julio; Dean, DavidLifestyle changes towards sustainable and healthy diets have given rise to superfoods. Sea vegetables, which are otherwise known as edible seaweeds fall in the category of superfoods and are perceived as sustainable and ethical food options. The present study is dedicated to US consumers’ willingness to buy and their willingness to pay a price premium for sea vegetables, providing insights and best-practice recommendations for marketing managers in the US food retail and gastronomy. An online consumer survey was distributed to explore predictors explaining willingness to buy and pay a price premium. Food engagement, food attributes, consumer knowledge, and health importance were the investigated predictors covered in the survey. Descriptive statistics and partial least square structural equation modelling were used to analyze the data. Food engagement and sea vegetable intrinsic and extrinsic attributes were identified as the strongest predictors for both willingness to buy and to pay a price premium. In contrast, health importance only influenced willingness to buy, and consumer knowledge only influenced willingness to pay a price premium. By focusing on the forms of consumer behavior with high commitment and exploring and validating the factors driving these consumers’ behaviors, the study fills an important research gap.Publication Open Access Policy approaches for enhanced dairy sector innovation – A review of future pathways and policies for effective implementation of digital agriculture(Taylor & Francis Group, 2023) Eastwood, CR; Knook, Jorie; Turner, JA; Renwick, AlanInnovation and technology are a feature of New Zealand’s dairy sector. To overcome current challenges, dairy farmers require agile and multi-dimensional innovation, supported by forward-looking and integrated policy from both the sector and government. In this paper, we outline some of the current dairy sector challenges, and potential technologies to address these challenges. We focus on the future for digital agriculture innovation and discuss policy approaches to enable the sector to leverage digitalisation. These approaches include co-innovation, responsible innovation, multi-scale approaches, micro-innovation and poly-innovation and mission-oriented innovation. Digital agriculture and policy may interact in two ways: (1) policy may be used to enhance digital agriculture innovation and, (2) digitalisation itself may act to enhance agricultural policy design and delivery. Overall, innovation policy requires greater directionality, use of policy bundles and a focus on technology as a mediator of new dairy farming practices and institutional configurations.Publication Open Access Should I go back to the roots to obtain my food? Understanding key factors driving U.S. consumers’ preferences for food foraging over buying and growing food(MDPI, 2023-10) Rombach, Meike; Botero Robayo, Julio; Dean, DavidAlternative forms of food procurement have increased in consumer popularity since the occurrence of food price inflation and the ongoing recession in the U.S. The present study explores predictors such as food engagement, food-related COVID-19 concerns, and the importance of sustainable foraging practices as determinants for U.S. consumers’ preferences for food foraging. Two scenarios are investigated, the preference for food foraging over growing food and food foraging over regular food buying. The study is based on an online consumer survey (n = 401) and used partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for the data analysis. Results indicate that food engagement is the strongest predictor for both foraging over buying and foraging over growing scenarios. However, food-related COVID-19 concern appears to only be relevant for the foraging over buying scenario and the importance of sustainable growing practices is only relevant for the foraging over growing scenario. These findings are important because they indicate the attitudinal triggers of food foraging and are therefore of relevance to foraging communities and managers in municipalities, food retail, and horticultural businesses who are associated with traditional and alternative forms of food procurement.