School of Landscape Architecture

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The School of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University bases its teaching and research on the coastal areas, urban centres, townships, agricultural lands and mountains of the South Island.


Recent Submissions

  • PublicationOpen Access
    Empathising with landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand; Exploring walking methods to connect with landscape in a bicultural landscape architecture context : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Ormsby, Benjamin
    Landscape planning and assessment in Aotearoa New Zealand is an essential part of managing changes in the landscape. Te Tangi a Te Manu (Lister et al., 2022) was created to guide landscape assessment and reflects the bicultural conception of landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand, incorporating te ao Māori concepts of whakapapa, kōrero tuku iho, and hīkoi. However, the guidelines do not provide a method to translate these concepts into practice. Focussing on the hīkoi (walking) dimension, this research tested the application of ‘walking methods’ in landscape assessment. The research sought to answer the question of how can walking methods contribute to empathising with landscape when using Design Thinking. The application of Design Thinking informed by kaupapa Māori design principles integrates Māori and non-Māori values and knowledge to create a more inclusive methodology for landscape assessment. The research explored how walking methods can use the assessment of mauri as part of empathising with landscape, and support a deeper understanding and connection to whenua for the landscape architecture profession. Integrating Māori values and tikanga, including te ao Māori concepts like mauri, into landscape assessment requires guidance for non-Māori to protect the integrity of mātauranga Māori. This supports a culturally responsive practice that aligns with Māori values and community expectations around landscape management. The walking method was developed using two pilot walks in Porirua, New Zealand and then tested in Ōtautahi Christchurch, New Zealand. Physical and perceptual data was recorded, along with assessment of mauri. The research then considered how this data could be presented spatially for use in subsequent steps of landscape assessment or design. By incorporating walking methods, landscape architects can empathise with the landscape, deepening their understanding of the connection between people and place, and facilitating the creation of embodied knowledge. The walking methods expand landscape architecture practice through new knowledge creation methods, contributing to a more inclusive practice of landscape architecture within bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand. Empathising in this way, has the potential to promote a more whenua-led approach. Further testing of the walking method with diverse groups could refine key elements of bicultural landscape assessment, including how mauri can be assessed by non-Māori participants, and how to incorporate other tikanga. The research highlights the potential for further exploration of how Māori and Western knowledge systems can inform and enrich bicultural landscape architecture in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evolving digital technologies and their impact on hand drawing and the use of indigenous plants in landscape architecture design projects : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Dawes, Victoria
    This research explores the relationship between evolving digital tools and the use of Indigenous plants in landscape architecture design projects in New Zealand. Rapid advancements in digital imaging technologies over the past two decades have changed the ways that we see and experience the world. For landscape architects, technological advancements have shifted design processes. There is concern that through this shift a decline in hand-drawing has impacted the connections made between designer, place and materials. This study investigates how image-creation tools in undergraduate design projects relate to the variety and use of plants in the same projects with a focus on the use of Indigenous plants. Projects spanning 20 years of student work from the Lincoln University Living Heritage archive were analysed. The recorded data highlights trends of increased image and Indigenous plant use as digital technologies have evolved. Digitally produced images were the largest contributor to the overall rise in image use. The findings suggest that while digital tools offer efficiency and expanded possibilities for designers, if used in isolation they could contribute to a disconnection between designers and their physical connection with sites, sense of place and unique environments that support local biodiversity. For landscape architecture education and professional practice, these insights emphasise the need to maintain a balance between; the efficiencies offered through advancing digital technologies, and the sensitivities developed through hands-on design skills like drawing to support cultural and ecological sustainability in landscape architecture.
  • ItemRestricted
    Horizon Europe-REDESIGN project
    (2024) Wesener, Andreas
    Introduction to Horizon Europe Project "REDESIGN" (HORIZON-CL6-2024-COMMUNITIES-01-1). Food consumption in urban areas depends often on long and distant supply chains. Poor integration of the urban food system with the built environment is a cause of food insecurity.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Designing urban green spaces that enable mindfulness and nature connectedness : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Saxman, Hanna-Mari
    This research brings together the interconnectedness of mindfulness and subjective connection with nature, their benefits to human wellbeing, and the design of urban green spaces. As populations are increasingly concentrating in cities, residents can experience more stress and become estranged from nature. The considerable amount of research on the benefits of mindfulness and nature connections is pointing a way to an opportunity for Landscape architects to positively affect human wellbeing through design. To empathise with a diverse group of visitors, this study considers the ephemerality of experiences and understanding the spaces first-hand using the Persona method, case studies and sensory mapping in four green spaces in Christchurch over two seasons. The results showed that public urban green spaces can be designed to simultaneously support and enable mindful activities and nature connectiveness, and that indeed features enabling one often also enable the other. The study revealed the importance of locating these spaces within public transport services and commute routes to create opportunities for accessing them. Utilising empathy was found to be an effective way to understand the user experiences and a valid method for the landscape architecture profession to understand the current settings as well as test design ideas on paper or at a site. Sensory maps were found to be a useful tool for post occupancy evaluations, site inventory, and site analysis to ensure senses are accounted for in design, and that the experience of people with different abilities are considered throughout the process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Why landscape architects should embrace landscape performance evaluation—The “market” perspective of landscape development
    (School of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, Canterbury, 2024-11-26) Chen, Guanyu; Bowring, Jacqueline; Davis, Shannon
    This paper uses the lens of George Akerlof’s ‘market for lemons’ theory to explore why it is necessary for landscape architects to adopt landscape performance evaluation. This theory, which addresses the degradation of product quality due to information asymmetry and a lack of information, is applied to landscape architecture to highlight similar underlying challenges in the discipline and the industry. The lack of practices assessing the actual performance of built landscape projects prevents landscape architects from explicitly and persuasively communicating their true value to clients, resulting in a ‘market’ saturated with low-investment projects that focus on low-value aspects of landscape architects’ work – or ‘lemons’. Here we argue that implementing performance evaluation can mitigate these issues by providing empirical evidence of project benefits, thereby reducing information asymmetry and increasing the information available, and fostering a market for high-quality landscape projects – or ‘peaches’. We argue that by embracing performance evaluation, landscape architects can enhance the transparency of their projects’ performance and contribute to the disciplinary rigour. This shift is crucial for the profession’s growth and its ability to address contemporary environmental and socio-cultural challenges effectively.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Sensuous atmospheres of landscape and memory
    (Milano University Press, 2024-11-27) Bowring, Jacqueline
    The sensuous qualities of atmospheres are intimately tied to the landscape’s potency as a place of memory. More than any other design discipline, landscape architecture is bound to place, and the place-specificity of atmospheres is a critical component of the experiential landscape. In contrast to its close ally, architecture, landscape is spatially and temporally fluid. Landscape architecture is rooted to the ground, it is highly responsive to light, moisture, climate, and the intangibilities of memory. Atmospheres have special potency in relation to the emotional experience of landscape, and this relates to how landscape might be inflected in ways which support reflections on memory. The connections between remembering, emotion, and atmospheres are illustrated in examples where affective spaces embrace the collective emotional experiences of grief and commemoration (Sumartojo 2015). This paper steps through the relationships between atmospheres and each of the realms of sensuousness, memory, and landscape architecture, in turn. These three threads are then drawn together in the question of whether atmospheres can be designed, and how this could be done. Finally, two case studies of designed landscapes that manifest atmospheres in relation to sensory and emotional experiences of memory are presented.
  • ItemOpen Access
    How are our landscapes valued by their users? Identifying the value of public open spaces using real estate market turnovers
    Chen, Guanyu; Bowring, Jacqueline; Davis, Shannon; Dyason, David
    Landscapes provide significant intangible services such as mental and physical enjoyment. However, the intangibility of these services means they are difficult to quantify and tend to be overlooked when making design and development decisions. Such ill-informed decision-making processes are often linked to the fact that the ‘economics’ underpinning decision-making are not usually well-researched and understood in landscape architecture. This research explores a potential approach for revealing the overall perceived value of a landscape. Because intangible services cannot be quantified directly, we needed to find a way of measuring them indirectly. One way of doing this is to reveal what value people put on elements like parks and other public open spaces, as reflected in real estate turnovers. Our study focuses on Lincoln, New Zealand, and looks at how the publicly accessible landscape features are valued by their users. A hedonic price model was built to examine the relationship between the land prices from the last two decades of property turnovers in Lincoln and a series of land price-related factors (e.g. distance to the closest open space, travel times to schools and the university, land size). The results show that landscape features were highly valued by local residents, in comparison to other factors. Also, the ‘landscape premium’ remains significant throughout the two-decade observation period, even when major disruptions, such as the 2011 major earthquake in Christchurch and the recent Covid-19 pandemic, occurred and significantly affected the real estate market. The study also examined the possibility of monetising intangible landscape benefits and taking them into account when making landscape-related decisions. A possible method for this is demonstrated in the study.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Measuring landscape performance: Context, mechanisms, strategies, approaches, and theories
    (2024-11-19) Chen, Guanyu; Bowring, Jacqueline; Davis, Shannon; Dyason, David
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Monuments and public spaces: Questions of equity, inclusivity and justice: An investigation into three Latin American case studies : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Walker, Yeimy
    Responses to inequality, violence, war, genocide, injustice, and trauma take many forms in the built environment. Contemporary conversations around statues and monuments in public spaces have renewed a conversation about the power of the past. This research explores recent responses to monuments that embrace colonial and historical narratives in Latin American public spaces, highlighting their significance for social justice and equity in the field of landscape architecture. Through three case studies, the thesis features diverse responses to historical narratives embedded in monuments, focusing on acts of reclamation, resignification, and recontextualisation. The equestrian Sebastian de Belalcázar monument in Popayán, Colombia, has become a symbol of Spanish oppression of Indigenous people. The Isabela La Católica monument in La Paz, Bolivia, raises concerns about discrimination against native women. Finally, the equestrian monument of General Manuel Jesús Baquedano González in Santiago de Chile symbolises the repression of Indigenous people by the Chilean elite. On-site responses, such as removal, dressing, and graffiti, provide insights into how communities actively engage with and contest dominant narratives. Methodologically, the research employs a case study approach, incorporating online interviews with three key stakeholder groups: public officials, activists/Indigenous leaders, and designers/academics. Social media data, primarily from activists and community participants, further enriches interpretations of each case study by exploring a range of design proposals and on-site responses. This study makes a unique contribution to the academic discourse on the intersection of monuments, public spaces, and landscape architecture. By recognising the contested nature of these sites, landscape architects can actively contribute to the creation of inclusive and reflective environments, prioritising principles of equity and justice. The study emphasises the crucial role that landscape architecture can play in amplifying marginalised voices and fostering dialogue regarding colonial narratives. By doing so, it can create opportunities for diverse interpretations of the past, promote inclusivity, and raise awareness about the implications of colonial histories in the present. Importantly, this research introduces its findings to the English-speaking world, bridging gaps in understanding and enriching global conversations on the subject. In conclusion, this research represents a call for action on reimagining the role of monuments in public spaces. By reassessing their historical significance and embracing diverse perspectives, the field of landscape architecture can pave the way for more equitable and inclusive commemorative designs, acknowledging the complexities inherent in our shared history.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Measuring landscape performance: Context, mechanisms, strategies, approaches, and theories : A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Chen, Guanyu (Hanley)
    This research explores various dimensions of Landscape Performance Evaluation (LPE), including its practice context, mechanism, evaluation strategies, approaches, and theories. This study firstly traces the evolution of the evaluation practices in the field of environmental design disciplines from its architectural roots to its integration into landscape architecture, and from its original form of Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) to LPE. The challenges arising from ambiguous interpretations and interdisciplinary differences in POE conceptualisation are identified. The study advocates for specificity and clarity in approaching the concept of POE. The research then extends its focus to the New Zealand environmental design and planning context, collecting and analysing a representative range of evaluation cases to unveil barriers and enablers in performance evaluation implementation. This study emphasises the essential role of effective regulating and supporting mechanisms in ensuring balanced resulting benefits relative to costs for all involved parties. Subsequently, the methodological terrain of LPE practices in New Zealand is mapped, proposing a categorising framework for the evaluation models and approaches, and revealing associations between funding sources, evaluator types, and evaluation outcomes. The first New Zealand-based Landscape Performance Evaluation (LPS) Case Study Investigation (CSI) consists of a part of this doctoral research. The CSI evaluation is explored, reflecting from the evaluators' perspectives, challenging the dichotomies in methodological categorisation, and advocating for a universal currency for benefit measurement. This research then introduces the hedonic model approach, quantifying intangible landscape benefits, and demonstrating the potential for using monetary value to measure the value of landscapes and thereby providing evidence for decision-making processes. An economic perspective is applied to conceptualise the current challenges in understanding and communicating landscape benefits, drawing parallels between the market for "lemons" and the landscape architecture industry. LPE emerges as a potent countermeasure to information asymmetry and a lack of information, potentially mitigating negative impacts on the industry. By encapsulating a multidimensional exploration that weaves together context, mechanisms, strategies, approaches, and theories of landscape performance evaluation, this research aims to guide future scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers in navigating LPE explorations, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the built environment and human well-being.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    How can landscape architecture create living environments that promote access to public transport, housing, and green spaces : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Koch, Dominic
    This study seeks to understand how to address thematic social justice issues through spatial design using landscape architecture. More specifically, whether, how and to what extent different city municipalities address resident accessibility issues relating to Social (or Affordable housing), Green Space and Public Transport through design? To understand how these thematic issues are addressed through design, city design guidelines will be critically analysed specific to these themes. The city design guidelines of Wellington, Christchurch and Amsterdam will be used for this study. Findings will inform models of proposed land use types and extent in Tauranga City to create equitable outcomes for all its residents.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The role of landscape architecture at public open-air rock art sites - case studies in Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Smart, Gwen
    Rock art is a valuable and vulnerable taonga | treasure both in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. The theory and practice of landscape architecture and rock art conservation and management hold many of the same values and concerns. However, very little research addresses the specific overlap between these fields. From the literature, it is difficult to gain an idea of the reality of the situation: what role do landscape architects have in the conservation and management of open-air rock art sites? This dissertation aims to explore the overlap between these fields from a landscape architectural perspective and to begin to bridge this gap in the literature. While the international context of rock art conservation and management informs this project, its focus is on a specific subject and geographic area: publicly accessible open-air Māori rock art sites of Waitaha | Canterbury in Aotearoa New Zealand. This allows for a detailed and context specific investigation. A novel, holistic, hybrid methodology was developed and applied. This included a specialist interview with Amanda Symon, Trustee of the Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Trust, a multiple case study protocol, including the development and application of a case study framework, and the hybrid, critical discussion of the resultant findings. The research demonstrates that landscape architects have had a limited role at public, open-air rock art sites in Waitaha | Canterbury, but that there are many avenues by which landscape architecture may be able to make a contribution to the conservation and management of such sites, as part of a transdisciplinary, tangata whenua led team. These may include responding to the unique risks and opportunities these sites present, finding visitor management solutions, potential involvement in landscape assessment for planning or legislative purposes, facilitating transdisciplinary research or development, and the possibility of mutually beneficial educational and research relationships between rock art conservation and management and landscape architecture institutions. This dissertation has a specific regional focus on Waitaha| Canterbury’s historical, cultural, and environmental context. This research, however, is nested within the global context, and many of the topics addressed, methods discussed, questions raised, and further research opportunities proposed could be adapted to be more broadly applicable.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluating indigenous forest restoration design strategies in support of biodiversity and pastoral farmers in marginal hill country, Aotearoa New Zealand : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Landscape Architecture. at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2024) Christian-Farrow, Ella
    Strategically reforesting marginal hill country with indigenous forest is a recognised way to aid in decelerating and reversing the dual climate and biodiversity crisis in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the potential to provide income to farmers simultaneously. Farm owners are needed to assist in reforestation if it is to occur on a significant scale; however, there is a need for further contributions about what spatial reforestation strategies are effective in concurrently meeting biodiversity and farm owner requirements on marginal hill country land. A narrative literature review was conducted to identify bush bird, lizard and insect wildlife guild and farm owner requirements to establish evaluation criteria. Wildlife guilds require appropriate spatial configurations of habitat size, connectivity and resources. Farm owners require restoration strategies that are low cost, easy to implement, easy to maintain, and timely (particularly to generate income through carbon sequestration under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS)). Attributes that lead to these restoration outcomes were also identified as important in evaluating and defining strategy effectiveness measures. These criteria were then applied through a literature review to critically evaluate the effectiveness of existing hill country restoration establishment methods and spatial configuration strategies New Zealand wide. The results indicate that none of the existing strategies meet all criteria for a high level of effectiveness. A third narrative literature review identified design solutions to create an improved strategy through the realm of landscape ecology and landscape networks. The novel hill country restoration strategy was designed by combining principles of the patch-corridor-matrix theory, spatial eligibility criteria for the ETS and strengths of existing strategies. When analysed using the evaluation criteria, the novel strategy met all criteria effectively. However, only biodiversity interaction and ability to receive NZUs criteria were met to high effectiveness, with the cost of establishment, ease of establishment and cost/ease of maintenance only being averagely effective. These results indicate there is a substantial need for improvement of policy and development of on-the-ground restoration strategies, to assist both farm owners and resulting biodiversity in restoring marginal hill country land, in answer to the increasingly urgent dual biodiversity and climate crises we are facing.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Conflicted property rights – balancing the need for seismic safety with heritage conservation : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2023) Nahkies, Peter Brent
    Traditionally described as a “bundle of rights” the creation and protection of private property rights is seen as a cornerstone of western democratic societies. However, property rights are not fixed but are a constantly evolving mix of private rights and community rights that ebb and flow with changing community expectations. As a result of the Christchurch earthquakes increased community expectations of seismic safety led to the passing of new legislation imposing mandatory seismic mitigation for buildings considered an unacceptable risk to society. These buildings are defined legally as “earthquake-prone”. The costs of seismic mitigation must be met by the property owner potentially causing significant financial hardship to the individual, but also with the potential to have significant negative impacts on communities. One form of mitigation promoted by the legislation is to demolish the building which puts the owner of an earthquake-prone building with heritage value in conflict with community expectations of heritage conservation. This conflict often leads to litigation with an owner demanding the right to demolish while the community pursues the retention of the heritage building. The results of the litigation are uncertain and often costly. This thesis looks at altering property rights in New Zealand in order to avoid litigation and achieve a more equitable balance between private and public rights and thus achieve a better balance between safety, heritage and property rights. This rebalancing is necessary to protect individuals from financial hardship. It is also necessary to achieve better outcomes for communities by protecting them from the unexpected outcomes of the new legislation and by promoting sustainability by reducing building demolition and instead facilitating heritage-led urban regeneration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Feeling and interpreting the changing streetscape: Capturing experiences of urban atmospheres in Cuba Street, Wellington
    (Elsevier, 2024-08) Wesener, Andreas
    Drawing on fieldwork in Cuba Street, Wellington (New Zealand), the paper contributes to the emergent body of empirical qualitative studies on urban atmospheres. It explores sensory experiences in a central urban streetscape setting focussing on individual feelings and interpretations of study participants expressed through field descriptions and sketches. The findings reveal a variety of atmospheric accounts and perceptual amalgamations that kept changing while participants walked through particular spatial situations. The study discusses the influence of the built environment, the role of movement, and the notion of ‘dominant’ urban atmospheres. Spatial and architectural arrangements as much as participants’ movement had a significant influence on their feelings and interpretations. The paper identifies ‘atmospheric zones’ that influenced study participants’ moods while walking through them. However, while related descriptions reveal similar atmospheric accounts, not all participants shared the same experiences. Experiential descriptions were diverse, sometimes contradicting, and did not always add up to a conclusive urban atmosphere. Findings challenge the notion of ‘dominant’ urban atmospheres and encourage atmospheric analysis that is inclusive of multiple experiential accounts and based on diverse first-person perspectives.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Investigate feasibility of utilising a neural-networked set of inertial measurement units to compensate for variations in motion of a commercial radio-controlled vehicle in a dryland agricultural context : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Applied Science at Lincoln University
    (Lincoln University, 2023) Davidson, Brett
    Image stabilisation is desired for efficient identification of objects in the path of a self-driving vehicle. The gyroscope and accelerometer of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) can be used to derive the movement of a vehicle, which can then be used by a rotation matrix to compensate for this movement, but a gyroscope has inherent “drift” errors, and while the accelerometer of an IMU is more accurate, it has a slower response time, which reduces the detection rate. Various methods have been proposed to compensate for these sensor limitations. Kalman filters are often used in industry to fuse gyroscope and accelerometer data to reduce the effects of drift, noise, and other gaussian-based errors but these are computationally intensive for the sort of lightweight processor that a radio-controlled car could be expected to power. A complementary filter such as Madgwick’s is a simpler and less processor-intensive solution with claims that the method is just as accurate. Both of these approaches are applied on a single IMU. Averaging multiple IMUs has been investigated and offers slight improvements. Well-trained neural networks also offer IMU compensation but are computationally and time expensive to train to generate a model however the application of previously-trained models is less intensive and is becoming common as processor power improves. There have been no investigations of using a neural network on multiple IMUs as of this time. This project investigates if using a neural network of multiple IMUs reduces errors and enhances performance compared to a single IMU. The Kalman filter is used as baseline control data and three neural network models (MLP, NARXNET and RBF) are compared against each other and a Madgwick complementary filter to investigate if using a neural network of multiple IMUs reduces errors and enhances performance compared to a single IMU in the context of establishing Euler angles of roll and pitch movement to stabilise a video feed of a consumer-level camera on a moving commercial off-the-shelf radio control vehicle. It is demonstrated that there is no statistically significant advantage in using multiple IMUs if these are kept in the same horizontal plane, that a minimum of a three-layer MATLAB NARXNET filter provides the equivalent accuracy of a Kalman filter with similar processing times, and that the Madgwick IECF6 complimentary filter, the radial basis factor neural network and multi-level perceptron neural network models are not fit for this purpose.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Peri-urban landscapes and the potential of integrated foodscapes to support healthy cities: An Aotearoa New Zealand case study
    (Taylor and Francis Group, 2024) Davis, Shannon; Chen, G; Darvill, N; Robinson, Marcus
    Aotearoa New Zealand is experiencing unprecedented competition in land use priorities on the edges of its cities and settlements–referred to as the peri-urban zone. Housing and food production compete with one another in a legislative planning context that supports a dichotomy of urban or rural land use. Food production is being driven further away from urban settlements, where 85% of New Zealanders live, as demand for housing increases, and land is re-zoned from rural to urban. Consequently, cities and settlements within Aotearoa New Zealand are increasingly seen to be spatially disconnected from their productive hinterlands. The resulting land use polarity occurring in the peri-urban zone is problematic for local food production, driving issues of agricultural land fragmentation, the loss of highly productive soils, ‘reverse sensitivity’, and impacts on human health and wellbeing. Engaging with both residents and food producers who reside and work within the peri-urban zone, this research applies a ‘design thinking’ methodology to the case study site of Ōtautahi Christchurch, exploring the question, ‘how can food production and housing best co-exist at the edges of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cities and settlements?’ to support human health and wellbeing outcomes. This paper presents five participant-driven future land use scenarios, which were developed based on survey responses collected from both peri-urban residents and food producers. The land use scenarios were then tested in a workshop setting with both groups assessing the potential of each scenario to address the land use conundrum that Aotearoa New Zealand peri-urban areas are currently facing, ultimately identifying land use strategies for healthier city areas that are designed for both housing and local food production.
  • ItemOpen Access
    An analysis of the recent fire regimes in the Angolan catchment of the Okavango Delta, Central Africa
    (SpringerOpen, 2022) van Wilgen, BW; De Klerk, Helen; Stellmes, M; Archibald, S
    Background: This paper presents an analysis of fire regimes in the poorly studied Angolan catchment of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. We used MODIS data to examine the frequency and seasonality of fires over 20 years (from 2000 to 2020) in three dominant vegetation types (miombo woodlands, open woodlands and grasslands, and short closed to open bushlands), and in areas where people were present, and where they were absent. Results: The median fire return intervals for both open woodlands and grasslands and short bushlands were relatively short (1.9 and 2.2 years respectively). In miombo woodlands, fires were less frequent (median return periods of 4.5 years). Human population density had no discernible effect on the fire return intervals, but about 14% of the miombo woodlands experienced no fires over 20 years. Ongoing shifting cultivation within miombo woodlands has led to structural changes and the introduction of fire into this vegetation type where fires were rare or absent in the past. About 12% of the miombo did not burn during the period examined where people were present, whereas close to 20% of the sites remained unburnt where people were absent. This suggests that people did not change the fire return interval in any of the vegetation types studied, but that they altered the amount of the landscape that is flammable in miombo vegetation. Fires occurred between June and September, with a peak in the late dry season (August and September). Conclusions: Historical research indicates that late dry-season fires are detrimental to miombo woodlands, and our analysis suggests that degradation in parts of the catchment has led to the introduction of fire to this previously fire-free and fire-sensitive vegetation type. Deforestation of miombo woodlands, and the consequent introduction of fire, is a cause for concern with respect to the ecological stability of the Okavango Delta. Managers should therefore aim to protect the remaining closed-canopy miombo stands from further clearing and to attempt to shift the timing of burns to the early dry season to reduce their intensity.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Adaptive flood mitigation planning: Harnessing the maximum capability of strategic green stormwater infrastructure
    (School of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ, 2024) Muangsri, S; McWilliam, Wendy; Lawson, Gillian
    Flooding in low-lying coastal cities is expected to worsen with climate change, and planning for long-term flood mitigation is challenging due to high uncertainty in projections. Risks are associated with under- or over-investment in expensive grey infrastructure. Implementing green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) on strategically large private properties may be a lower-risk alternative. In our previous studies published in 2022 and 2024, we found that the capability of industrial properties to supplement city flood mitigation was substantial. They could offset climate change impacts in the long term, even under a major climate change scenario, and reduce flood probabilities. In this paper, we restate their potential as a case study of large private properties to draw more attention from practitioners and transfer scientific knowledge into practice. The maximum flood mitigation capabilities of large private properties can be met through networks of GSI facilities and a long-term adaptation plan that considers all possible approaches to implementing GSI over time. However, government regulations and policies are needed to support their implementation to the maximum capabilities.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of an incentive programme for increasing green infrastructure on vineyards
    (MDPI, 2023-09) Goodall, A-K; McWilliam, Wendy; Meurk, C; Schelezki, Olaf; Muangsri, S
    Wine grape ecosystems with low species richness and reliance on agrichemicals have weak resilience to environmental impacts. Increasing biodiversity through green infrastructure (GI) not only helps mitigate some of these impacts but can provide additional benefits to growers and the public. Despite this, many vineyards have limited GI. While scholars suggest incentive programmes may help to encourage GI implementation, few studies have evaluated their effectiveness. We surveyed winegrowers and their vineyards in the Waipara Valley sub-region, New Zealand, to evaluate an incentive programme aimed at increasing GI on vineyards, particularly indigenous vegetation. The results indicated the programme was effective in encouraging growers to plant indigenous plants in areas incapable or unsuitable for growing grapes, largely in support of nature conservation, aesthetics, branding, and sales. It was less successful in encouraging growers to plant them in productive areas. While substantial GI, primarily in the form of inter-row cover crops, was managed in these areas, most were exotic plants seen by growers to provide superior services (especially erosion control, weed suppression and pest regulation) at lower management complexity and cost. Growers identified six GI enablers: (1) promoting GI types that provide greater grower services than disservices and costs of implementation and management; (2) implementing GI where biophysical conditions support success; (3) providing assistance with plant selection and design; (4) providing GI implementation and/or management funding; (5) developing GI certification policies and regional association programmes; and (6) providing government GI regulations, strategies, and incentives. They also identified five barriers: (1) insufficient grower appreciation for indigenous GI services; (2) grower concerns that some GI disservices were greater than their services; (3) grower belief that costs of GI implementation and/or management were greater than those of alternative practices; (4) harsh and remote GI growing conditions; (5) lack of grower knowledge regarding how to design plantings, especially those that could provide multiple services; and (6) lack of sufficient financial resources for GI implementation and/or management. Twenty recommendations for improving GI implementation are provided.