Sub clover, cocksfoot and lucerne combine to improve dryland stock production
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
The temporal (seasonal) pattern of dryland pasture and
stock production from four cocksfoot based pastures
(mixed with balansa, Caucasian, subterranean or white
clover), a ryegrass/white clover pasture and a pure lucerne
crop were compared over 2 years (2004/05 and 2005/
06). Subterranean clover with cocksfoot provided high
legume content pasture giving higher stock production
than other pasture mixtures from August to October.
This complemented the high yields and stock production
provided by lucerne from mid September to January in
2004/05. However, a dry winter followed by spring snow
resulted in lucerne production similar to other pastures
in 2005/06. Cocksfoot based pastures provided more
maintenance feed than perennial ryegrass during a dry
summer (2005/06) but ryegrass/white clover provided
higher stock production in wet summer conditions (2004/
05). These results suggest a range of pasture species are
necessary to cope with the seasonal climate variability
typically experienced in dryland farm systems.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.