Development of a high country winter-feed option using irrigated nitrogen-fertilised tall fescue
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
A 2 ha 6-year trial on pure stands of irrigated
Grasslands Roa tall fescue compared the effect of
high (600-300 kg N/ba/yr as urea) and moderate
(300-150) nitrogen rates split over either 2- or 4-
weekly application, on hay production, some
summer grazing and autumn regrowth prior to
winter and fed to pregnant ewes on the same plots.
Annual yields averaged 13.8 t DM/ba with a 24%
advantage to high N. Pregnant ewes break fed a
mixed allowance of hay and grass regrowth lost
c. 2.4% body weight over a g-week winter period.
There was thinning of the stands under high N and
long summer regrowth period. It was considered
better to forego some of the winter feed potential
for some summer grazing, or a further hay cut, to
maintain stand density.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.