
A cross-national study in the US, China, India and New Zealand: Consumers' preferences towards collagen-based food products

Conference Contribution - unpublished
Fields of Research
Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals which provides the principal structure and mechanical support of several tissues. However, due to the process of aging, collagen levels in human body tend to reduce, resulting in wrinkling, dry skin, joint pains, etc. Consequently, collagen-based food products made from a variety of animal protein sources, including livestock industry byproducts, are widely consumed as a form of replenishment and nourishment for the human body. Furthermore, collagen is also used in cosmetic products and for medical applications such as hemostats, vascular grafts, etc. The market of collagen-based products in food and beverage are experiencing worldwide growth. The world’s collagen market was valued at US$3.6 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach US$4.6 billion in 2023 . Understanding consumers is important for products’ success in market. Compared with the fast development of studying collagen’s characteristics from laboratories, consumer-centric research concerning collagen-based food products is rare to find, especially studies in a cross-national context. The present study aims to explore consumers’ attribute preferences on collage-based food products in a cross-national context, to provide greater market insights for agribusiness firms in the markets.
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