The effect of technology upskilling on the quality of life of elderly people in Iran : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University
The impact of smartphones and social media apps on lifestyle, Quality of Life, and well-being among elderly people is an important issue with digital communication becoming the predominant communication mode. The effect of using social media apps on the elderly people’s Quality of Life in developing countries including Iran is an important area to address, to understand what future interventions should be recommended to policy makers. A mixed-methods study was designed to determine the impact of training in using smartphone social media apps (including Telegram, WhatsApp, and Instagram) on the Quality of Life of the elderly citizens in Shiraz-Iran. The population of the study was all the senior residents registered in local public health centres located in Shiraz, Fars, Iran in 2018-2019. The qualitative results were based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews, while the quantitative results were based on the changes in the mean scores of the CASP-19 scale and subscales (p-value) in the intervention population measured before the study, after the intervention and again one month later. In the quasi-experimental quantitative study, the intervention group in the CASP-19 questionnaire sub-scales (control, autonomy, pleasure, self-realization) mean values increased and the overall mean score of Quality of Life increased between the pre-test and the post-test and between the pre-test and the follow-up test. The control sub-scale had the lowest effect size (η2 =0.11), followed by autonomy (η2=0.13) and self-realization (η2=0.14). The highest size of the effect was for pleasure (η2 =0.42) and Quality of Life (η2=0.46) variables. The control group showed no significant changes in the control, autonomy, pleasure, self-realization, and the level of the Quality of Life variables for the duration of the study. It can be concluded that the significant changes in the level of the Quality of Life in the intervention group was due to the educational program. The result of the qualitative study reinforces this conclusion.
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