Observations on legume establishment and grow on acid soils
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
The problem of establishing plants and keeping them
growing on acid soils has been present as long as agriculture
has been practised, and the beneficial effect of liming
materials of various kinds has been appreciated for almost
as long. But while they have been appreciated, their precise
mode of action has not been understood. Even with the
considerable advances that have been made in understanding
the “acidity complex” in recent years, the full solution
of the complexities of plant growth on acid soils has still
to be found.
Although this paper will deal only with legumes, this
whole field of soil acidity and plant growth is a most
interesting one, bristling with problems, and the aspects to
be discussed here form a good example of the impact of
modern research on an age-old traditional practice -that
of liming the soil.
For some years workers at Lincoln College have been
interested in the establishment of clovers on the acid soils
in the tussock grasslands, partly because of the interesting
problems involved, and partly because these areas might
confidently be expected to make an important contribution
towards the production increases necessary and aimed at
for the future. In these areas the lack of readily available
nitrogen is one of the major drawbacks to higher production,
and if thriving legumes can be established there and
kept thriving by the regular application of adequate
amounts of the correct nutrients in the fertilizer programmes,
a big advance towards the goal will have been
Originally, the nutrients sulphur and phosphorus were
concentrated on but more recently the effects of broadcast
lime, lime-pelleting and inoculation on legume growth have
been studied. It is the results of these investigations both in field and pot trials that will be presented here, together with new problems that have arisen and the trials planned
to help solve them.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.