Protein and carbohydrate composition of lucerne grown in Canterbury
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
Carbohydrate fractions and total nitrogen were measured in
leaves and stems of Wairau lucerne grown in Canterbury.
Leaves had lower levels of total soluble carbohydrate (3-5%),
cellulose (8-10%) and lignin (2-4%), and higher levels of total
N (3.5-5%) than stems (total soluble carbohydrates l0-22%,
cellulose 2535%, lignin 4-11% and total N 1.5-4%). During
the season, leaves did not change much in composition, whereas
stems gradually increased in cellulose and lignin. Wintergrowing
lucerne stems contained high total N (up to 4%), low,
cellulose (13%) and lignin (4%). Irrigation increased soluble
carbohydrate in stems, but not leaves in immature luceme.
Defoliation of luceme led to a fall in soluble carbohydrate in
the standing stems. About 50% of the lucerne total N was
easily extracted from the plant as protein. On a kg/ha basis,
a yield of 15, 232 kg of DM (non-irrigated) contained 480 kg
of total N, 1,385 kg total soluble carbohydrate and 2,563 kg
of cellulose. Over a 70-day summer period, a protein yield
of over a metric ton/ha was extracted from irrigated lucerne.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.