
Papers presented at the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.) Tenth Annual Conference : incorporating the 28th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Branch of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.) : Blenheim Country Lodge, June 2004

Discussion Paper
The main themes for this Conference are: Environmental Research and Use Values, Production, Statistics, Motu, Trade, and Fishing. This discussion paper includes the full text of the following papers: G N Kerr and B M H Sharp, Benefit Transfer: Choice Experiment Results; R Cullen, K Hughey G Meyer-Hubbert, K Bicknell, A Meister, C Smallman and O Su-Wuen, Preliminary Investigation into the Benefits from Investments in Environmental Research; R Cullen, K Hughey G Meyer-Hubbert, K Bicknell, A Meister, C Smallman and O Su-Wuen, Investments in Environmental Research, Science and Technology: Their Impacts on Irrigation and Mussel Farming; P Kaval and J Loomis, US Outdoor Recreation Use Values: A Benefit Transfer Study; H Shin, A Meister and I Choi, The Risk Averting WTP of Visitors to the East Coast of Korea; R Johnson, Productivity in the Sheep Sector; M Doak, I Parminter, R Monk, G Horgan, and G Elliot, The Economic Value of Irrigation in New Zealand (Reference only); H R Laca-Vifia and W C Bailey, Regional Dairy Production: Short-term Projections and Expected Demand for Inputs; T Parminter and S Max, A Learning Model of Technology Transfer for the Kiwifruit Industry; R Jones and F Scrimgeour, Motorways and Economic Development: The Effect of the Alpurt Motorway Extension; A Barber and I Parminter, Friend or Foe? The Kyoto Protocol and the NZ Greenhouse Industry; J Sinner, Efficiency = Equity and other Musings on Economics and Sustainable Development; R Cullen, Y Takatsuka, M Wilson and S Wratten, Ecosystem Services on New Zealand Arable Farms; V Limsombunchai, House Price Prediction: Hedonic Price Model vs. Artificial Neural Network; S Barns, M Cameron, J Gibson, S Lim, D Marsh, F Scrimgeour and J Tressler, Valuing the Risk of Death and Injury from Landmines in Thailand; J Ballingall and D Steel, The Impact of Demographic and Structural Change on Transport Use; N Jollands, J Lermit and M Patterson, Aggregate Eco-efficiency Indices for New Zealand - a Principal Components Analysis; J Hendy and S Kerr, A New Zealand Land-Use Model Based on National Level Time-Series Data (URL Link only); R Forbes and P Gardiner, Projecting Livestock Numbers; C Saunders and A Wreford, Modelling the Effects of Climate Change Policy on the NZ Livestock Sector; K Cao and F Scrimgeour, A Nonparametric Approach to the Analysis of HACC/RMP Implementation Process; K Cao and R Johnson, Econometric Analysis of Some Trade Issues for Meat; A Mead and A Strutt, Tariff Rate Quotas and New Zealand's Meat and Dairy Trade; S Bano, Bilateral Trade Intensities and Trade Reciprocity between New Zealand and China: An Empirical Examination; H Rohorua, An Examination of Issues in the Fisheries Sector in a Small Island Economy: The Case of Tonga; G Meyer-Hubbert and R Cullen, Potential Economic Impacts of Providing for Aquaculture Management Areas in Canterbury; K Hang Pham Do and H Folmer, Regional Fishery Management Organization as Games in Coalition Form; P Tait, Unit Pricing: Minimising Christchurch Domestic Waste; F Scrimgeour and S Barns, Aspects of the Deregulation of Statutory Marketing Boards in South Africa; N Taylor, Some Characteristics of Multiple Job Holding by New Zealand Farm Men and Women.
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