Studies on the fungi associated with post-emergence damping-off of pickling cucumber or gerkin varieties: A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Plant Pathology in the Degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science
To evaluate the perrormance of various pickling cucumber or gherkin varieties (Cucumis sativus L.), field trials were sown in the horticultural area at Lincoln College in December, 1973.
Initial germination appeared satisfactory but an inspection or the area in January, 1974, showed a number or plants with symptoms or post-emergence damping-off. In all cases the roots or infected plants were brown and either partially or completely decayed. This was associated with wilting or cotyledons and the first true leaves.
Infected roots were surface-sterilized and small pieces from the edge or developing lesions were placed on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) plates to isolate the pathogens that may have been involved. As a result, a series of 10 isolates were obtained.
The aim of this project was to study these isolates in the laboratory so as to identify them and determine some or their properties.
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