
Management of Botryosphaeriaceae species infection in grapevine propagation material

Journal Article
In New Zealand grapevine propagation nurseries, Botryosphaeriaceae species have been reported to infect the source blocks of the nursery propagators leading to infection of the propagation materials. This research investigated the efficacy of different control methods which could prevent infection or eradicate the pathogen from harvested canes prior to plant propagation. In the source blocks, attempts to reduce infection of shoots by protecting trimming wounds were partially successful (P=0.036), with 19.5% incidence in fungicide-treated shoots and 24.3% infection in the control shoots. Further sampling showed that overall 19.9% of these infections were in the bark and 9.6% in the wood. Hot water treatment (HWT) of dormant rootstock 5C canes, previously infected with Neofusicoccum luteum and N. parvum , at 50°C for 30 min resulted in internal infection incidences of 55 and 100%, respectively. HWT at 53°C reduced infection incidence to 0 and 8.5%, respectively, but killed the buds. In naturally infected canes, HWT of 50°C for 30 min reduced infection incidence from 35% in controls, to 0–15% over all Botryosphaeriaceae species. Shorter periods of HWT, at 55°C for 10 min, designed to kill bark infections, were effective in Sauvignon blanc but killed the buds of Pinot noir. Sauvignon blanc canes superficially infected with N. luteum were soaked for 30 min in the fungicides carbendazim, tebuconazole, thiophanate methyl and flusilazole, with and without a polyether-modified trisiloxane adjuvant. Results showed that carbendazim with no adjuvant and tebuconazole with 0.5 mL L-1 adjuvant eliminated 100% of bark infections. A further experiment that soaked 2,000 canes (Sauvignon blanc and Pinot noir) in a carbendazim solution prior to rooting found that all canes were free of Botryosphaeriaceae species infection, compared to 17% natural incidence. These results have indicated the potential efficacy of several methods for preventing or reducing infection Botryosphaeriaceae species in grapevine propagating materials.