
Addington 2041 - a platform for change

Fields of Research
While we recognise that our current suburban form is unsustainable, and through regional growth management policy seek to intensify the city core and inner suburban areas, we do not have a new design programme for these liminal spaces. Intensification therefore falls to the suburban default, often resulting in compact suburbia, and undesirable urban environments. Using a ‘research through design process’ this thesis explores transit- oriented development as an alternative design programme for Addington, an inner suburban Christchurch space. Addington 2041 is a compact, mixed use, diverse urban landscape, clustered around a reactivated train network and station. Supported by educational, cultural, commercial, and residential activities, and a high quality pedestrian and public realm, Addington 2041 interprets an international urban form in the local context, and combined with a revealed sense of place and identity creates a liveable urban environment for the future.
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