
A summary of the National Parks and Reserves bird survey scheme 1980-1985 : A dissertation presented as a requirement for the Diploma of Parks and Recreation Management, Lincoln College, Canterbury

The Department of Lands and Survey adopted a National Parks and Reserves bird survey scheme and dispatched to each District Office and National Park all the necessary cards, information (Appendix I) and equipment that was required to establish the survey. As 5 years has now passed since the introduction of the scheme, it seems appropriate to attempt to assess the acceptance of the scheme around the Parks and Reserves and the uses, if any, that the accumulated data has been put to. With this in mind a questionnaire (Appendix II) was composed and mailed to 43 National Parks, Maritime Parks and Reserve areas in an attempt to learn what had been happening on a country-wide basis. A total of 33 replies were returned although only 19 contained a complete questionnaire. These were sufficient to make a judgement on the effectiveness of the scheme in the Parks and Reserves where the scheme is underway.
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