Papers presented at the New Zealand Branch, Australian Agricultural Economics Society Conference, Blenheim, July 1987
Discussion Paper
Fields of Research
The themes for the 1987 Conference of the New Zealand Branch of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society were Future Fiscal Directions, Trade Negotiation, and State Owned Enterprises. This discussion paper includes the full text of the following papers: R.L. Kerr, Future Fiscal Directions - Stabilisation and Adjustment: What Have We Learned? ; Gary Banks, Trade Negotiation - The Role of Government in Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Colin Hicks, State Owned Enterprises: Corporatisation A Massive Hoax; R.G. Ansell and S.K. Martin, Market Diversification And Risk In New Zealand Export Lamb Markets;
Y.S. Chiao, Sheep Plan and User Pays; D. de B. Galwey and P. J. O'Neil, Risk Balancing: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis for The New Zealand Sheep and Beef Sector; Veronica A. Jardine, Funding and Conduct of Agricultural R & D in New Zealand; K.L. Leathers, Sustainable Agriculture In Theory And In Practice; A.T.G. Mcarthur, Economic Weights For Breeding Objectives; O. Negendank, The Role of Advisory Services in an Agricultural Marketing Strategy; John Pryde, Rural Finance in New Zealand; Allan N. Rae, Analysis of Aspects of the United Kingdom Import Apple Market in the Post EEC Membership Period; Tony Rayner and Ralph Lattimore, The Phasing of Trade Liberalization Policy: The New Zealand Experience; J.C. Robertson, G.R. Griffith, R.G. Lattimore, An Econometric Model of New Zealand Milk Production and Utilisation; Brian S. Speirs and Andrew N. Burtt, Information for Agricultural Adjustment; S. Sriramaratnam, Feasibility of Insurance as a Risk Management Option in New Zealand Agriculture; Bruce A. Weber and Walter B. Moore, Incidence of Tax Reform by Income Groups.