Saprophytic colonization of the bark by Neofusicoccum species mediates subsequent infection of grapevines through wounds
Conference Contribution - published
Botryosphaeriaceae species infect grapevines via wounds. A previous study isolated Botryosphaeriaceae at higher frequencies from the bark than the underlying wood of asymptomatic grapevines canes from vineyards,suggesting they were latent on surface tissues. This study investigated the colonization of the bark as a saprophytic link to infection of the underlying wood. The bark of trunks of Sauvignon blanc and Pinot noir potted vines were inoculated by spraying an area of 3 cm length with ~1 mL of a Neofusicoccum luteum or N. parvum conidial suspensions (10⁴/mL). Control vines were inoculated with sterile water. After 1 hour (T1), 2 days (T2) or 7 days (T3) a cut was made in the bark and through to the wood 1 cm above the inoculation area using a sterile scalpel. After 24 h, isolations were carried out from surface sterilized bark and wood. Infection incidence did not differ significantly between species or grapevine cultivar. Infection incidence of the bark was 100% and associated wood of the central inoculated section was 76.3%, 83.3% and 90.2% for T1, T2 and T3, respectively indicating bark infection progressed rapidly into the adjacent wood. Infection of bark and wood 1 cm above the inoculation point increased with incubation time, being 25% for bark and wood at T1 and 71% and 67% for bark and wood, respectively at T3. Infection of the bark and wood 1 cm below the inoculated area was 0%. This study showed that the pathogens remained latent in the bark and, when the cane was wounded, that the pathogen progressed towards the wound. Fluorescent microscopic observations of bark and underlying wood sections of shoots inoculated onto the bark, but without wounding, showed germinating conidia and mycelium in the bark near lenticels, and mycelia in the underlying wood, indicating that the pathogens had entered through lenticels.
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