Low cost overdrilling technology for pasture establishment
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
A prototype strip seeder was developed to establish
grasses and legumes in the semi-arid and montane
environments of the Mackenzie Basin and Central
Otago. Specifications of the strip-seeder required
for cost-effective performance were identified on
the basis of previous direct drilling investigations
in this environment, and included: (a) removal of a
strip of existing vegetation to reduce competition;
(b) creation of seed bed tilth; (c) controlled and
separate placement of seed and fertiliser; and (d)
compaction of the drilled seed bed to enhance
contact between seed and soil. The prototype strip
seeder was built around a modified Duncan 730
multi-seeder chassis, and was used to install spring
and autumn trials at Eamscleugh in Central Otago
and at Ohau Downs in the Mackenzie Basin.
Mechanical improvements were made as the trials
progressed. The experience gained, and results
from the trials, confirm the suitability of the
prototype strip seeder concept for successfully
introducing grasses and legumes into this terrain.
Source DOI
Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.