
Coleoptera of beetles of the Chatham Islands in the collections of the Department of the Entomology and Animal Ecology

The Entomology Museum of Lincoln University contains a substantial collection of insect specimens from the Chatham Islands. The Coleoptera are particularly well represented and are maintained in about 50 standard insect boxes. Over 200 separate species are included out of a total beetle fauna of perhaps 270 species. Most of the material is derived from two substantial visits from the University to the Chathams, in January 1990 and November - December 1992, with lesser amounts of material from other sources. Insect collecting has been undertaken on Chatham, Pitt, Rangitira and Mangere in conjunction with insect conservations projects. In the following list beetles are listed by family and records of each species in the Lincoln University collection are indicated by lower case letter: a) collected 10-24 January 1990; b) collected 21 November - 5 December 1992; x) other sources.
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