An international comparison of models of innovation and their implications for New Zealand
Fields of Research
A focus on overseas markets has been an important topic for AERU research for many years, reflecting the importance of paying attention to the destination of many of our exports. This focus has been used to address a variety of issues with a view to improving our export returns. Typically,
this research has included research into high tech, medical technologies and especially agribusiness.
This includes willingness to pay for products with particular attributes, and culminates in our trade
modelling work. However, there has also been interest in a broad range of issues relating to New
Zealand market destinations, such as access into Chinese, US and European markets, to mention a
few, and country policies. This report is part of that tradition of learning about, and from, the
characteristics of New Zealand’s overseas markets, and it gives attention to cultural values and how
these can be formed into models of innovation. This report will be of interest to those wishing to
learn about the innovation characteristics of the countries studied and, in addition, learn about how innovation in New Zealand stands in comparison to these countries.