
Tolerance of newly sown cocksfoot-clover pastures to the herbicide imazethapyr

Journal Article
In New Zealand, subterranean clover is recommended as a companion legume in mixed swards, particularly in dryland cocksfoot-based pastures. However, establishment of cocksfoot is slower than perennial ryegrass and therefore weed ingress is more common. An experiment at Lincoln University, Canterbury showed imazethapyr applied when clover was at the 3-4 trifoliate leaf stage, and cocksfoot at the 2+ leaf stage, increased the subterranean clover content of the pastures by at least 1000 kg DM/ha, despite initial visual phytotoxicity responses. Balansa and white clover pasture yields were not different to their unsprayed unweeded controls. Imazethapyr application controlled broadleaf weeds from early in the season. The herbicide application reduced cocksfoot yields by 70% in early spring, but yields recovered and were not different to the unsprayed unweeded controls at 1350 ± 260 kg DM/ha after grazing. Imazethapyr application improved subterranean clover pastures through an increase in clover content by suppressing weeds and temporarily reducing the rate of cocksfoot growth.
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