Biological control of Sclerotina diseases of vegetables
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Sixty three fungal isolates, obtained from the local region (Canterbury, New Zealand), were tested for their ability to inhibit mycelial growth and sclerotial production of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using a cabbage petiole bioassay. Eight isolates (Trichoderma longipile 6Sr4, 8Sr4-2, 3Sr4-2, SIBYG; Trichoderma tomentosum 5Sr2-2; Trichoderma virens GV4, B19 and Gliocladium roseum 9Sr4) significantly reduced petiole infection (>75%) and completely prevented sclerotial production. This is the first report of biocontrol activity by T. longipile and T. tomentosum in New Zealand.
Nine fungal isolates (the eight fungal isolates described above and Coniothyrium minitans
A69) were evaluated in three cabbage pot assays during 1997-98 to determine their ability to parasitize or inhibit mycelia and/ or sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum in a non-sterile environment. Two isolates: C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 6Sr4 significantly reduced apothecial production compared to the pathogen control and were not phytotoxic or pathogenic to cabbage.
The same nine fungal isolates were applied as conidial suspensions (10⁶ conidia mL⁻¹) to sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum in a further cabbage pot assay and a sclerotial parasitism assay.
Coniothyrium minitans A69 significantly reduced apothecial production, ascosporic infection and reduced the viability of sclerotia in the absence and presence of the host plant. Trichoderma virens B19 significantly reduced apothecial production and viability of sclerotia in the sclerotial parasitism assay. Trichoderma longipile isolates SIBYG and 3Sr4-2 significantly reduced apothecial production.
In the first lettuce field trial, the nine fungal isolates were evaluated for their biocontrol activity by incorporating conidiospore suspensions into the transplant potting mix (10⁵ -10⁶ conidia g⁻¹ potting mix) and planting lettuce transplants into a Sclerotinia minor infested field site during the 1997-98 growing season. Two isolates of T. longipile (6Sr4 and SIBYG) and T. virens GV4 significantly reduced disease by 30% and C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 8Sr4-2 reduced disease by 50% under conditions of high disease pressure (100% in untreated plots).
Coniothyrium minitans A69, T. virens B19 and T. longipile 6Sr4 were selected for further field evaluation against S. minor on lettuce in a second field trial and S. sclerotiorum on cabbage (two trials) and bean (one trial) during the 1998-99 growing season.
In the second lettuce trial, C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 6Sr4 applied to the transplant potting mix (10⁶ conidia g⁻¹ potting mix) significantly reduced S. minor disease by 62 and 44%, respectively and increased marketable yield compared to the untreated control. Both isolates were shown to colonise the rhizosphere at 10⁴-10⁵ and 10⁶ - 10⁷ cfu g⁻¹ dry weight of lettuce root, respectively. Application of C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 6Sr4 in maizemeal-perlite as a soil amendment just before planting (0.8 L m⁻² plot) significantly reduced disease by 40 and 29%, respectively from the untreated control (77% disease). Trichoderma longipile 6Sr4 in maizemeal-perlite also gave a significant increase in yield compared to the control. Both fungi were shown to survive in the soil over the period of the trial at 10⁴-10⁵ and 10⁶ cfu g⁻¹ soil, respectively and effectively colonised the rhizosphere at 10⁴-10⁵ and 10⁶_10⁸ cfu g⁻¹ dry weight of lettuce root, respectively. Commercial formulations of C. minitans (C. Mins A69 WG and Contans WG [Prophyta product containing a German isolate]), when incorporated into the soil (0.8 g m⁻²) 42 days prior to planting, gave low levels of disease control and their survival in soil and root colonisation was low.
In the first S. Sclerotiorum/cabbage trial, C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 6Sr4, incorporated into the transplant potting mix, significantly reduced infection by 46-52%; C. minitans A69, T. virens B19 and T. longipile 6Sr4, applied in maizemeal-perlite as a soil amendment at planting, reduced S. sclerotiorum infection by 36-48% under medium-high disease pressure (35% disease in untreated plot). In the second cabbage trial, there was a trend of disease reduction with the commercial formulation of C. minitans A69 and T. longipile 6Sr4 applied in maizemeal-perlite. However, there was high variation in infection recorded for these treatments and this resulted in no significant difference from the untreated control.
In the S. sclerotiorum/bean trial, the commercial formulations of C. minitans (C. Mins
A69 WG and Contans WG), T. virens B19 in maizemeal-perlite applied 42 days prior to planting, and C. minitans A69 in maizemeal-perlite applied as a soil amendment at planting significantly reduced apothecial production by 40-60% and subsequent S. sclerotiorum infection of bean by 24-32% under conditions of high disease pressure (65% disease in untreated plots). Coniothyrium minitans A69, C. Mins A69 WG and T. Virens B19 in maizemeal-perlite also significantly reduced disease severity indices of stem (38- 42%) and pod tissues (37-40%) compared to the untreated control.
In a complementary series of experiments, the eight Trichoderma isolates selected from the cabbage petiole assay, were evaluated for their effect on various plant growth parameters (viz. leaf area, dry weights of shoot and root) of cabbage seedlings in three glasshouse trials during the period 1997-98. Cabbage transplants treated with T. Longipile 6Sr4 and 3Sr4-2 and T. tomentosum 5Sr2-2 showed significant increase in leaf area (58- 71%), and dry weights of shoot (91-102%) and root (100-158%) at 28 days after transplanting. This growth promotion effect was transient and was only observed when plants were grown under sub-optimal but not optimal conditions.
The results of this study highlight the potential of C. mini tans A69 and T. virens B19 as effective biocontrol agents against S. sclerotiorum and C. minitans A69 and T. Longipile 6Sr4 as effective agents against S. minor. Coniothyrium minitans A69 acted as a mycelia and sclerotial parasite, suppressed apothecial production and subsequently reduced disease caused by S. sclerotiorum whereas T. virens B19 acted as a sclerotial parasite, contaminated apothecia and inhibited ascospore release thereby reducing infection by S. sclerotiorum. Trichoderma longipile 6Sr4 exhibited mycelial parasitism and possibly localised antibiosis against S. minor whereas C. minitans A69 showed both mycelial and sclerotial parasitism and possibly localised antibiosis against S. minor.
Further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism of action operating in the field. Optimization of application methods and examination of combinations of treatments is required before an effective, practical and economical biocontrol system for Sclerotinia diseases can be realized.
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