Testing for benefit transfer in valuation of ecosystem services in New Zealand winegrowing regions
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
Benefit transfer (BT) is a pragmatic way of estimating values by transferring values from
existing valuation studies to a target area of interest if there are limited resources or funding
available to carry out an original valuation study. BT using choice modeling (CM) is a potentially
cost-effective method for valuing differences in improvements in environmental quality as well as
dealing with differences in socio-demographic factors. Surveys focused on two New Zealand
winegrowing regions, Marlborough and Hawke’s Bay, are used as case studies. After taking into
account a range of policy options, ecosystem services attributes, socioeconomic characteristics, and
attitudinal variables for these sites and populations, this study uses CM to value the marginal
benefits of improvement in selected ecosystem services associated with winegrowing. The study
then tests the transferability of willingness-to-pay (i.e., implicit prices) or welfare measures of
equivalence across both sites to check the validity of CM for BT.
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