
Papers presented at the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.) Fifth Annual Conference : "Public - v - private interests : the role of the state in agriculture" : incorporating the 23rd Annual Conference of the New Zealand Branch of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.) : Blenheim Country Lodge, July 1998

Discussion Paper
The fifth annual conference of the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society covers the policy and legislation changes relative to agriculture and resource use, as well as the impact of broader policy changes. The conference also covers the debate on the producer boards. This discussion paper includes full text of the following papers: Malcolm Bailey, The Impact of Government Legislation on The Agricultural Sector; Sean Devine, Is The MoRST/FRST/CRI Model Delivering; Roger Kerr, Moving Beyond Producer Boards; Chris Ward and Murray Doak, The Great 1998 Drought; J. Alam, Impact of Recent Economic Reforms on Agriculture: The Bangladesh Experience; R. Arnor, C. Gan and H. Bigsby, The Application Of Planning Legislation: The RMA and Forestry; T. Parminter and I. Tarbotton, An Exploratory Study On The Relative Weightings Being Put Upon Environmental Outcomes By Waikato Farmers; G. Rauniyar and W. Parker, Adoption Of Environmentally Beneficial Land Management Practices - Evidence From NZ Pastoral Farms; D. Kuiper, S. Morriss, J. Reid, Extension Science and Sustainable Land Management Policy; N. Lambie and K. Bickmell, A Dynamic Microeconomic Analysis of Bovine TB Movement Control Policy; Alan McDermott and Nicola Shadbolt, Strategic Alliances For Competitive Viability In Lamb Production Systems ¬Impact Upon Risks and Returns; G.S. Alley, N. M. Shadbolt and T. T. Kingi, The Application Of Strategic Planning and Management In a Maori Incorporation: A Case Study; W. Parker, et al, Adoption of Technology and Information on New Zealand Dairy Farms; G. Rauniyar, C.R. Upreti, R. Gavigan and W. Parker, Constraints to Sheep Farming In Nepal; Phil Journeaux, Agricultural Extension In New Zealand - Public vs Private Good; Irene Parminter, Regional Costs and Benefits of Government Interventions: The RMA and Farm Dairy Effluent Control; Ian Cairns and Victor Walker, This is What Policy is all about! Meat Act Experience; Brian Bell, Queuing For Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Requests: Can Political Interference and Bureaucratic Delays Be Removed?; R. Cullen, G.Fairburn and K. Hughey, COPY: a New Technique for Evaluation of Biodiversity Protection Programmes; R. Alexander and D. Shields, The Economics of Endangered Species: The Case of the African Elephant; R. Wilkinson, P. Jarvis and T. van der Lem, NZ Farmers Costs of Compliance With Legislation; Rod Forbes, The EI Nino Weather Pattern and Pastoral Supply Response Forecasting; J. Prasad and R. SriRamaratnam , New Zealand Apple Supply Responses by Region and Varieties; Ralph Lattimore, Exploring the Behaviour of the Real Exchange Rate; A. Rae, C. Nixon and P. Gardiner, Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Trade Restrictions: Latin American Access to Pacific Rim Beef Markets; W. Parker and A. Dooley, Student Experiences as Farm Employees During Their Programme Practicum; E. Cameron, D. Kuiper, E. Kemp and S. Morriss, ENZA's Integrated Fruit Production Programme and Apple Growers Decision Making; W. Parker, A. Dooley and R. MacLaren, Farmer Knowledge and Perceptions Concerning Farm Forestry: A Wairarapa Study; Robin Johnson, Technical Requirements of Agriculture, Science and Policy; D. Marsh, Evaluating Science Outcomes in New Zealand: A Review; S. Bohorova and F. Scrimgeour, Royalty Allocation for Capturing The Value Of Genetic Improvement¬ The Case of the Commercial Forest Industry; V. Plata and G. Nartea, Credit Analysis Procedures of Rural Lenders in Canterbury; G. Rauniyar, W. Parker and A. Dooley, Trends in Dairy Farm Sales and Factors Influencing Dairy Land Prices in New Zealand (1990 -1997).
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