
Papers presented at the New Zealand Branch Australian Agricultural Economics Society Conference, Blenheim, June 1986

Discussion Paper
Fields of Research
The theme for the 1986 Conference of the New Zealand Branch of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society was Economic Liberalisation in Agriculture: An International Comparison. The organising committee adopted this theme recognising the very significant changes in the economnic environment which were being introduced. The removal of regulation, output and input subsidies, the floating of the exchange rate, the opening of the New Zealand economy to capital flows, the lowering of tariffs on manufactured goods all these factors were leading to a new economic climate for the primary sector. This discussion paper includes full text of the papers listed below: Vittorio Corbo and Jaime de Melo, Policy Reforms and External Shocks in the Southern Cone: A reassessment; R.G. Gregory, Economic Liberalisation and its Impact on Agriculture: The case of Australia; Cristial Zegers Prado, Economic Liberalisation and its Impact on Agriculture: The case of Chile; Ralph Lattimore, Economic Liberalisation and its Impact on Agriculture: The case of New Zealand; Bryce Wilkinson and Peter Keenan, Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, and Government Policy; T.W. Stevenson, Risk Management in Financial Markets; P.A. Conway, Wool Price and the Value of the New Zealand Dollar; Neil W. Taylor and Robert M. Davison, Economic Liberalisation and the Impact on Farming; Joan R. Smith, Economic Liberalisation and Deregulation in the New Zealand Forestry Sector; A.J. Duncan, New Management Strategies for the Fishing Sector; I.J. Bourke, Trade Barriers and International Trade in Forest Products; Douglas G. Genereux, Dealing with the Financial Crisis in Mid Western US Farming; Y-S Chiao, The effects of Government Production Control Programmes on Technical Efficiency of Egyptian Farmers; S.K. Martin, L. Young, A.C. Zwart, Optimal Promotion for Agricultural Marketing Agencies; David J. Schaffner, Countervailing Power Revisited - Agricultural Bargaining Applied to the New Zealand Setting; Ron Sandrey and Susan Scanlan, Assistance to the Tourist Industry; W.M. Eveleens and G.M. Socbie, Efficiency and Equity in Agricultural Research; John Pryde, The Agricultural Sector and the Free Market; Jock Fletcher, New Economics: Is This One Way Toward Economic Liberalisation for the Rural Sector?