Odour detection threshold and consumer rejection of 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene in 1-year-old Riesling wines
Journal Article
Background and Aims: This study quantified consumer perspective by applying the detection threshold (DT) and consumer rejection threshold (CRT) methods to 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) in 1-year-old Riesling wines. Methods and Results: Untrained white wine consumers (n = 36) performed DT and CRT determination in 2010 and 2011 Rieslings spiked with TDN. Using a triangle test or a best estimate value, the DT value in the 2010 Riesling was 20.6 or 35.8 μg TDN/L, respectively, while in the 2011 Riesling, the DT was 18.2 or 37.6 μg TDN/L, respectively. A consumer rejection threshold value of 157 μg TDN/L was found for the 2010 Riesling and of 82.4 μg TDN/L for the 2011 Riesling. Conclusions: On a group mean basis, wine consumers orthonasally detected TDN aroma in 1-year-old Riesling wine at a concentration of ca. 18-20 μg/L and accepted a concentration of up to ca 80-160 μg/L, depending on the composition of the wine. Significance of the Study: This study is the first to apply CRT analysis to determine consumer preference for TDN in Riesling wines. The use of two different wines confirmed an effect of composition on the orthonasal response to TDN. This information assists decisions in the blending and marketing of wine.
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© 2014 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.