Effect of altering milking interval when milking 3 times in 2 days on milk and component yields in pasture-based dairy systems
Journal Article
Dairy farmers face challenges attracting and retaining staff, partly due to the difficulty meeting the desires of the modern workforce. These include flexible work hours and regular time off. The task of milking fundamentally affects the ability of dairy farmers to meet these desires. Milking contributes to a large proportion of the hours spent working on dairy farms. The number of milkings (milking frequency) and their timing (milking interval) within a day influence the number of hours spent milking and what time in the day they occur. Milking 3 times in 2 d (3-in-2) reduces the amount of time spent milking compared with milking twice a day (TAD), without reducing milk yield as much as milking once a day (OAD). However, long intervals between 3-in-2 milkings can still lead to a long workday if farmers are expected to work between milkings. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of milking interval within a 3-in-2 milking frequency on milk yield and composition at 2 stages of lactation and compare these with OAD and TAD milking. Cows (n = 200) were milked in 5 groups of 40 at 3 intervals of 3-in-2: 8–20–20 h, 10–19–19 h, and 12–18–18 h, along with 24 h (OAD), and 10 and 14 h (TAD), for 6 wk at early lactation (mean 24 d in milk ± 7 d, SD) and again at mid lactation (mean 136 d in milk ± 18 d). Milk yields were recorded at each milking and milk samples collected weekly to determine composition. At both early and mid lactation there were no significant differences in milk, fat, protein, or lactose yields between the three 3-in-2 intervals. Cows milked 3-in-2 produced 8% less milk than cows milked TAD and 14% more than cows milked OAD, with smaller differences observed at mid lactation between TAD and 3-in-2. For a 3-in-2 milking frequency, a shorter milking interval can be implemented on the days when cows are milked twice. This may allow farmers to shorten the working day when using 3-in-2, without compromising milk or component yields.
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© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. and Fass Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®.
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