Quantifying invasion risk : the genus Pinus as a model system
Fields of Research
Introduction: The New Zealand Government has committed to a 250,000 ha
expansion of plantation forests by 2020 in order to diversify the forestry sector and
capture carbon to mitigate climate change. Whilst introducing novel alien species
can bring economic benefits, the risks of future invasion problems have not been
fully quantified at the appropriate scale for many species. This is because invasions
are a complex mix of species-traits, biogeographic factors, human actions, and also
because many long-lived woody species have lag-phases between initial introduction,
naturalisation and invasion.
This thesis investigates why some species become invasive whilst others do not
using the genus Pinus as a model system, and New Zealand (NZ) and Great Britain
(GB) as study regions. I improve on previous studies that have addressed this question
by accounting for successes and failures across the entire invasion process (which
incorporates the stages introduction, naturalisation and invasion).
Methodology: I compare four methods of quantifying invasion risk by: (a) testing
how robust the Australian weed risk assessment tool (WRA) is to methodological
issues including taxonomic range, region and knowledge of invasive behaviour
elsewhere; (b) quantifying the relative contribution of species, biogeographic, and
human factors to invasion success using boosted regression trees (BRT); (c) assessing
whether phylogenetic relationships can predict invasion risk, and whether control-
ling for phylogeny in Markov chain Monte Carlo generalised linear mixed models
(MCMCglmm) changes the importance of species, biogeographic and human factors
in invasion success; and (d) dissecting the causal relationships between species,
biogeographic and human factors using a novel Bayesian method for exploratory
path analysis.
Results: I found that the WRA performed well at discriminating between successful
and failed species at the introduction and naturalisation stages (AUC >= 0.80) but not
at the spread stage, and these results were consistent between NZ and GB. When
I repeated the procedure without information of species' prior invasion behaviour, the WRA was less accurate at distinguishing among species (area under the reciever
operating characteristics curve or "AUC" <= 0.73). Thus the WRA may not be a viable
approach to risk assessment when this crucial information is unavailable.
Boosted regression tree analysis indicated that human (high forestry use index)
and biogeographic factors (closer climate match; NZ only) were the strongest predic-
tors of introduction success. Human (a high forestry use index, large area planted
and longer residence time) and biogeographic attributes (a close climate match
and larger native range size) were the strongest contributors to naturalisation (NZ
and GB). Species attributes (including the Z-score, a composite measure of pine
invasiveness) contributed relatively little compared to other factors at all stages. The
BRT method was reliable (introduction stage AUC >= 0.86; naturalisation stage AUC
>= 0.98), relatively straightforward, and could be used as an alternative approach to
risk assessment when the WRA may fail.
I found that there was no phylogenetic signal in introductions, naturalisations,
invasions, or in any traits that might determine success for Pinus. Consequently,
phylogeny may not be a useful predictor of invasion risk for pines. Phylogenetically
controlled MCMCglmm produced the same results as non-phylogenetically controlled
models with a similar level of reliability (introduction AUC = 0.92; naturalisation
AUC = 1.00). These results suggest that non-phylogenetic models produced reliable
results and that including phylogeny will not bias results even when no phylogenetic
signal is present.
Exploratory path analysis suggested that introduction success was determined
directly by a close climate match and high forestry use index. In contrast to previous
results at the naturalisation stage I found that Pinus introductions were also highly
influenced by the Z-score (species attributes) as well as direct links with human and
biogeographic effects. Propagule pressure (residence time and area planted) was a
common mechanism for Pinus and the additional study genus Trifolium, highlighting
the importance of propagule pressure as a null model of invasions. Path analysis also
performed well at the introduction (AUC = 0.93) and naturalisation stages (AUC
= 1.00).
Conclusions: The novel aspects of this thesis include: quantifying failures at the
introduction stage; comparing the relative importance of species, biogeographic
and human factors on success at each stage of invasion; and comparing how the
importance of these factors varies for the same taxonomic group across two regions.
The results of this thesis suggest that there is an inherent conflict between introducing species for forestry and their invasion risk. This conflict requires measures such as
plant breeding and landscape management in order to uncouple utility from risk.
Risk assessments such as the WRA may not be suitable for all species when they
have no history of introduction outside their native range. Therefore an adaptive
approach to risk assessment is needed that includes both the costs and the benefits
of introduction and utilises alternative approaches to risk assessment when standard
approaches such as the WRA may fail.