
Disposal on pasture of Christchurch sewage sludge

Fields of Research
This report presents the findings of a research programme into the disposal of sludge on Christchurch Drainage Board pasture. The study was formulated by staff of the Drainage Board and the Soil Science Department of Lincoln College. The original objectives of the research proposal were to use glasshouse and field trials to establish sludge application rates and the effect of sludge on pasture production and quality. As investigations proceeded, some aspects were found to be unnecessary in the light of other published reports, while other aspects needed greater attention. The investigation of chromium in particular was not envisaged initially, The overall conclusions and recommendations are summarised in the first chapter. Details of the study on which they are based constitute the remainder of this report. Specific conclusions and detailed discussions are given at the end of each section. The programme commenced mid 1976 and was designed to run for three years. The "Report of Chief Engineer to the Construction and Treatment Works Committee on Bromley Sewage Sludge", May 1975, contained much initial information outlining the reasons why such a study was necessary.
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