Unlocking export prosperity: The distinctive cultural attributes of food
Fields of Research
ANZSRC::150507 Pricing (incl. Consumer Value Estimation), ANZSRC::160804 Rural Sociology, ANZSRC::169904 Studies of Māori Society, ANZSRC::140201 Agricultural Economics, ANZSRC::070106 Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness, ANZSRC::150309 Logistics and Supply Chain Management, ANZSRC::200207 Māori Cultural Studies
On 12 September 2017, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment announced that a research programme entitled Unlocking Export Prosperity from the Agri-food Values of Aotearoa New Zealand had been selected for funding from the Endeavour Fund. The programme has been launched with four reviews written for a general audience on relevant existing knowledge, including this report on distinctive cultural attributes of New Zealand agri-food exports. It focuses on how New Zealand producers can use cultural attributes as a means of ‘maximising export returns.’ There are two key components that are addressed: first, what is meant by ‘cultural attributes of food’ and, second, what are the means by which these can help increase export earnings? Different chapters in the report then focus on Māori cultural attributes, and New Zealand Pākehā cultural attributes.
Source DOI
© Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit. Lincoln University, New Zealand, 2019.