Internationalisation and the valuation of forest assets
Discussion Paper
Fields of Research
The paper looks at the implications of internationalisation of forest ownership on forest
valuation. With an increase in the international diversity of forest owners questions are
raised about the effect that this has on the methods used to value forests and whether there are
substantive differences due to the nationality of the owner. A survey of 30 commercial forest
owners in New Zealand and 27 commercial forest owners in Australia was carried out. The
survey looked at factors such as the legal structure of the owner, whether it was involved in
only forest ownership or forest ownership and wood processing, countries in which forest are
owned, main species, predominant age class distribution and target rotation age of forests,
and valuation method currently used. The results show that there are substantial differences
in how forests are valued in either country, but also that these differences to not appear to be
linked to the nationality of the owner.