Infestation of gorse pods by Cydia ulicetana and Exapion ulicis in the South Island of New Zealand
Journal Article
Fields of Research
The effectiveness of Cydia ulicetana
(Haworth) (gorse pod moth) and Exapion
ulicis (Förster) (gorse seed weevil)
at reducing annual production of gorse
seed (Ulex europaeus L.) was compared
at six sites over the South Island, New
Zealand. The highest percentage (45%)
of pods damaged by C. ulicetana was at
East Takaka in May 2002, and E. ulicis,
was most effective at Lake Ohau (76%)
in January 2003. The percentage of damaged
pods fluctuated. Although there
were climatic differences among sites,
they did not differ signifi cantly in the
proportion of gorse pods damaged by C.
ulicetana. However, there was a signifi -
cant seasonal difference (P <0.001) over
all observations and C. ulicetana was responsible
for damaging approximately
20% of gorse pods.
Source DOI
© RG and FJ Richardson 2010. ©The Authors.