
Proceedings of a seminar on road transport in rural areas, held at Lincoln College 10-11 May, 1982

Discussion Paper
Fields of Research
In 1978 the Road Research Unit of the National Roads Board commissioned the Agricultural Economics Research Unit (AERU) to undertake studies related to trip and tonnage generation associated with various land uses in New Zealand agriculture. This research project was completed in 1981 and reports submitted to the National Roads Board. The results have been published as Road Research Unit Bulletin No. 59 in two volumes. Copies of Road Research Bulletin No. 59, on which the Seminar/Workshop was based, are available from the National Roads Board. In May of 1982 a seminar/workshop was held at Lincoln College. The workshop was sponsored by the National Roads Board, AERU, and the Rural Development and Extension Centre of the College. The objective of the seminar/workshop was to bring together local body engineers and councillors, regional planners, central government personnel, and road transport operators in order to elicit discussion on the usefulness of the results of the study. Further, it was intended to define areas for further research into rural roading and to provide a set of recommendations on further research to the Road Research Unit of the National Roads Board. This publication presents the papers given at the seminar and includes a summary of the recommendations emanating from the working groups and sessions held during the seminar. The AERU is publishing these proceedings as a record of the seminar and to stimulate further discussion of rural roading needs. This discussion paper includes the full text of the following papers: D.R. Lovatt, Summary of opening of seminar; P,D, Chudleigh, Economic issues in rural roading and an introduction to the rural roading research project; R.L. King, Survey results: household trip generation; D.C. Johnston, A commentary on household trip generation; R.L. King, Survey results: freight trip generation; A.J. Nicholson, Planning for goods movement in rural areas; F.W. Norton, Implications for the development and maintenance of The rural roading system; K.H.P. Beck, A viewpoint on rural road needs; D.R. Lovatt, Assessment and recommendations emanating from Working sessions.
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