Lincoln University campus - a guide to some of the trees currently growing there
Fields of Research
The purpose of this guide is primarily to increase the awareness for people who are
interested in plants of the Lincoln University campus. There is no doubt trees are an important part of the physical landscape at Lincoln University.
They remind us of the changing seasons and we are comfortable with trees that we are
familiar with. Trees in many ways are the link between the past and future generations of staff and students. Some trees have been planted as memorials to staff and students
effectively recognising the longevity of trees. For some people trees can also be a learning resource, much like a library of books is for others. In a library, books of course have a title and are classified in order that they can easily be found. From there it is up to the individual as to what they may wish to find out from the contents. Currently plants at Lincoln are known by some at different levels of correctness, but for the majority providing the equivalent of a title and where you might find them may be a useful starting point, from there people can choose to learn what they may want to know about the plants.