Does elevation affect the distribution of Micromegistus gourlayi mites (Acari: Parantennulidae) on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand? A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours at Lincoln University
As no variables were found to explain mite presence/absence, we cannot make definite conclusions that the four factors explain the mite distribution. However, the four variables explaining significant variation in mite intensity suggest that these factors may affect mite distribution. I recommend further research into the effects of these variables to establish if they may affect beetle presence/absence. Of highest priority is future re-sampling in summer to ascertain whether these variables affect mite distribution in addition to their effect on mite intensity. By covering the summer range of moisture and temperature, studies can assess if these factors limit distribution in summer. I also recommend laboratory studies into the effect of beetle size and shape on mite intensity.
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