National wheatgrowers’ survey, no. 1 1976-77
The National Wheat Growers' Survey was initiated
in 1976 to provide continuing information on the costs
and returns from wheat growing, and generally on the
production patterns on farms where wheat is grown.
The Survey involves a random sample of approximately
180 farms on which wheat has been grown. Regional
stratification of the sample ensures that between
region comparisons of major production factors may be
made: this report pays specific attention to the
physical characteristics of farms, the area of wheat
sown, wheat yields by varieties, cultural practices
involved and costs and returns for the 1976/77 crop.
In a time when the fixed costs of crop production have
assumed major proportions, it is essential that the
costing work goes beyond assessment of the direct costs
of production. Consequently, an attempt has been made
to allocate plant and machinery costs to the wheat
enterprise. This has been done both by the historical
depreciation method and by the current cost method;
the latter reflecting inflation in machinery prices.
Both assessments are presented in the report so that
appropriate comparisons can be made.
The need for current and detailed information
from the Survey involved two visits to the farms in
the sample; one in the spring following drilling and
the second in the autumn after harvest. The ready
co-operation and goodwill of the farmers who spared
their time for these visits is gratefully acknowledged
as is the financial assistance of the Federated Farmers
of New Zealand Inc.