A resource based outdoor recreational development in Auckland City : A study of the Whau and Avondale stream systems in terms of their potential as a land and water based outdoor recreational amenity and an examination of similar overseas studies as a possible source of improvements to the methodology used here in New Zealand : A dissertation submitted to the Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College, for the Diploma of Parks and Recreation
The primary objectives of this dissertation then are:
A. To produce, by means of an inventory of details on the ground, a picture of the present state of the Whau/Avondale Stream system, and
B. To use the results of the inventory in producing a recreational concept for one specific area along each of the two streams. The conceptual plans and supporting text will centre around a walkway along the stream environs to be integrated with active and passive facilities in the
immediate vicinity.
C. To compare, contrast and take 'lessons' from overseas examples of similar urban stream/river studies.
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