New Zealand and the Kyoto Protocol : implications of ratification for New Zealand and rural land users
The objectives of this report are to examine the position of New Zealand in regard to the Kyoto
Protocol and the possible impacts of the Protocol on New Zealand rural land users. The world
initiatives leading to the development of the Protocol in an attempt to reduce anthroprogenic climate
change, and the commitment required from New Zealand, assuming ratification, are examined.
The characteristics of New Zealand's greenhouse gas profile are discussed and our carbon
sinks/emissions equation outlined to show that, due to the large-scale forest plantings since 1990,
New Zealand will be able to meet its Protocol commitments in 2008-2012 with a substantial surplus
available for international trading.
The possible monetary values to New Zealand and to rural carbon emitting and sink activities are
The report concludes that the application of the cost of emissions and value of carbon sinks to the
causal activities via a carbon charge and an unfettered trading of carbon credits regime based on
international values will best allow price signals to develop which will influence behaviour and
reduce net greenhouse gas emissions.
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