Effect of cool season grazing on lucerne production and aphid populations
Conference Contribution - published
In a P-year Wairau lucerne trial, plots were grazed on a 3- or 6-
weekly rotation; Half of each plot was hard grazed in June to control
overwintering aphids. In the second year a spring/autumn spraying
was applied.
June grazing reduced aphid populations in spring from 37 to 3
per stem, and gave no significant difference in dry matter yield.
Three-weekly spelling, although reducing aphid numbers, halved
plant populations and root weight and markedly decreased dry
matter yield. In the second year, 6-weekly spelling yielded 13 120
kg/ha, and 3-weekly only 3 540 kg/ha. Spraying of aphids increased
yields, but not significantly.
The results show that cheap methods of controlling aphids in
lucerne can be developed using grazing management.
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