Statistics of production, trade flows and consumption of wool and wool-type textiles
Fields of Research
In this bulletin we bring up to date publication
No. 18 "Trends in Production, Trade and Consumption of
Wool and Wool Textiles" and set out some new data on the
non-virgin wool content of wool textiles. All the
statistical series in the earlier bulletin are complete
up to the end of 1965 and in some cases the 1966 data,
where available, has been included as well. Section VI
sets out trends in non-virgin wool fibres consumed in
the wool textile industry and final estimates of textile
consumption are measured in pounds of fibre content and
not in berms of wool content alone. The estimates
given therefore differ from those given in F.A.O.
publications where, as we understand it, allowance
for non-virgin wool fibres in wool textiles is not made.