
Public participation in regional tourism planning

Lee, Karyn M.
Fields of Research
Public participation is the key component of the community approach to tourism planning. The approach recognises that the public should take part in any tourism planning decision as it is they who must ultimately live with both the negative and positive outcomes of tourism. This dissertation examines how public participation occurred in the preparation of the Canterbury Regional Tourism Strategy, an action based plan intended to guide the future of tourism in Canterbury. The public participation approach adopted was one of “collaboration” between key stakeholders that have an input in the provision of tourism in Canterbury. A variety of public participation techniques were used as part of an ongoing process. The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are analysed and its wider implications for tourism planning. Specifically, this dissertation examines the nature of public participation and its effectiveness in the formation of the Canterbury Regional Tourism Strategy. The public participation process is described and analysed drawing upon the opinions of the individuals that took part in its preparation.