
Perspectives on staff turnover in agriculture

Barr, Sarah
Fields of Research
ANZSRC::150305 Human Resources Management , ANZSRC::070106 Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness
This study set out to discuss staff turnover, the factors that drive turnover and the implications of varying levels of turnover on the productivity and profitability of a business. Of particular interest was the examination of staff turnover in the agricultural sector in New Zealand the current levels and the factors driving turnover. Current statistics suggest that turnover levels in agriculture, particularly in the Sheep & Beef and Dairy sectors, appear to be quite high. This image is contributing to an unrealistic view that careers in agriculture are undesirable for potential new entrants. Given the continuing need for human labour, albeit at a reduced rate (compared to a generation ago), it is vital that some effort is expended in identifying causes of negative perceptions agricultural careers. This study's aim is to explore turnover as one of the contributing factors to agriculture's negative image.
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