The determinants of urban household poverty in Malaysia
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
Since independence in 1950s Malaysia has been
recognised as one of the more successful countries
in fighting poverty: head count ratio came down to
5.7 percent by 2004. However the recent process
of rapid urbanization has led to an increase of
urban poverty aggravated further by the 1997
Asian financial crisis. It is important to understand
the nature and scale of urbanization, the various
driving forces that affect it and the determinants of
urban poverty as linked to this process. Our paper
identifies the determinants of urban poverty in
Malaysia using a logistic regression. Multiple
regression model which used to be the main tool of
analysis in this kind of studies has been criticised
for a number of drawbacks and binary probit or
logit models have been proposed as alternative and
widely used. Previous studies have used income to identify poor
households. We have two problems with this
procedure. First, the official poverty line in
Malaysia is an consumption expenditure. Secondly
data on household incomes are known to be less
reliable than consumption data obtained from
household expenditure surveys. We therefore
compare a person’s consumption expenditure with
the poverty line to determine its poverty status.
This agrees with the idea that poverty is the
inability to attain a critical minimum amount of
consumption. We study the effect of human
capital, region of residence and other household
characteristics on urban poverty using this
A sample of 2,403 urban households from the
2004-05 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) has
been used in this research. We first estimate the
probability of households with specified
characteristics to fall below Malaysia’s official
poverty line. Results show that human capital significantly reduces the chance of being poor
while migrant workers are more prone to poverty.
Household size, race and regions are also
important determinants of poverty outcome in
urban Malaysia. Then we analyse the sensitivity of
the probability estimates to shift of the poverty line
over a reasonable range. Effects of education,
number of children, number of male adults,
number of elderly, foreign migrant-headed
household, Chinese household and households
living in Region 1 on poverty are robust over the
shifts. The findings have important policy
implications for Malaysian government which has
pledged to reduce overall poverty rate to 2.8
percent and eradicate hardcore poverty by 2010
under the Ninth Malaysian Plan.
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