
A tripartite approach to accessibility, diversity, and inclusion in academic conferences

Book Chapter
Fields of Research
Academic conferences are important fora for disseminating knowledge, learning and meeting like-minded scholars in one’s field. They provide a platform for vital networking and enhance both reputation and visibility, which are shown to be important for academic success. However, significant issues remain around accessibility, diversity and inclusion for many groups including women, academics with disabilities and impairments, students, early career and precarious academics, and those with caring responsibilities. These issues preclude or make attendance difficult, which then limits not only the range of voices presented but also limits career advancement. Indeed, conference attendance can be thought of as a social justice issue. This chapter adopts a case study approach based upon a personal role as co-convenor of an academic association conference. It is a reflexive examination of personal experience over the first six months of conference planning, highlighting both the challenges and the opportunities encountered. It presents a tripartite approach to considering accessibility in academic conference organisation: physical accessibility, financial accessibility, and cognitive accessibility. It argues that adopting such an approach facilitates diversity and fosters an environment of inclusivity, which has flow-on benefits for all conference delegates.