LINCOLN UNIVERSITY RESEARCH@LINCOLN DEPOSIT LICENCE Contributors to the Research@Lincoln repository are asked to approve a licence agreement that signifies that they are the author/editor/creator of the work and grant Lincoln University a LIMITED, NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENCE to disseminate the item through the digital archive or repository and to migrate the item (i.e., copy it) for preservation purposes. The Library will assess copyright and manage the item within copyright restrictions. The text of the licence is: By granting this licence to Research@Lincoln, you (the author(s), copyright owner(s) or assignee(s)) agree to the following: a) that you are the author (or listed author), copyright holder or assignee and have authority to make this agreement, and give Research@Lincoln the right to publish the work(s) in a digital archive or repository b) that the work(s) is original and does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone else’s intellectual property c) that, where third party copyright material appears in your work(s), you (or the lead author) have acknowledged the original author or copyright holder, and/or sought permission to include the third party material as part of this work d) that, if the work(s) has been based on material that has been supported or sponsored by an agency other than Lincoln University, you represent that you have fulfilled any right of review or other obligations required by such contract or agreement. PERMISSIONS GIVEN TO RESEARCH@LINCOLN Research@Lincoln shall distribute electronic copies of the research output(s) for the lifetime of the repository. The lifetime of Research@Lincoln shall be deemed to include any new computer system used in the future that replaces the current system. DEPOSITOR’S RIGHTS Rights granted to Research@Lincoln through this agreement are non-exclusive. You are free to publish the work(s) elsewhere and no ownership is assumed by the repository when storing an electronic version of the work(s). Research@Lincoln will not make any alteration to your work. WITHDRAWAL FROM RESEARCH@LINCOLN The Administrator of Research@Lincoln reserves the right to remove the work(s) for any professional, administrative or legal reason. Any request for removal of the work(s) should be made to the Administrator. A metadata record indicating the work(s) was stored in the repository will remain visible in perpetuity. DISCLAIMER While every care will be taken to preserve the electronic copy of the work(s), Research@Lincoln is not liable for loss or damage while it is stored in the digital archive or repository. Updated 11 April 2022