Jahnke-Waitoa, ShereeO'Connor, ChrystalTangiora, Hiraina2024-09-112024-09-112024-03-082024https://hdl.handle.net/10182/17571We will discuss mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) from a recent survey asking Māori which plants, vegetables, and rākau rongoā (medicinal plants) are significant to them, and some of their current uses today. We will explain the significant role that insects play in Māori culture as food, medicine, and cultural narratives. Finally, we'll discuss how revitalising potential future food sources like insects benefits from Indigenous knowledge and the care that should be taken when integrating it into Western science.© All rights are reserved by Fualili Jahnke-WaitoaMāori prosperity through agrifood innovation: Success stories in Aotearoa New Zealand's food and fibre sectorConference Contribution - unpublishedANZSRC::300606 Food sustainabilityANZSRC::450901 Te ahuwhenua me ngā mahi ngahere o te Māori (Māori agriculture and forestry)ANZSRC::451104 Ngā mahi tauhokohoko o te Māori (Māori commerce)ANZSRC::451105 Te whanaketanga ā-hapori, ā-rohe o te Māori (Māori community and regional development)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives