Deppe, T. R.Taylor, J. O.2023-03-292023-03-2919770110-1641 for park and recreation administration in New ZealandLocal authorities have a prime responsibility for providing basic park and recreation services needed by citizens of all ages who are living in a primarily urban environment. Most public officials are concerned as to how these needs might best be met and the most economical and efficient manner of organising these services so that the best possible services can be provided in line with the fiscal resource available. The basic assumption of this publication is that parks and recreation services should be consolidated into one department so that a united and co-ordinated approach of providing not only areas and facilities but also leisure services can be achieved. This concept received an almost unanimous endorsement by both park and recreation professionals and the elected officials taking part in this study.29 pages© Lincoln College. Department of Horticulture, Landscape and Parks.recreation administrationnational parkslocal authoritiesGuidelines for personnel involved in policy making, administration and management of parks and recreation within managing authorities in New ZealandOtherANZSRC::350503 Human resources managementANZSRC::410404 Environmental management