Guenther, MeikeSaunders, CarolineTait, Peter2018-06-102015-02-112015 is a global increase in food consumption with changes in dietary patterns away from staples towards more livestock products, especially in China & India. Currently the livestock sector generates 18% of global GHG emissions (mainly ruminants). Conclusions. Changing dietary patterns in India and China could lead to higher NZ producer returns from meat and dairy. NZ producer returns from dairy could decrease if India and China significantly increase dairy consumption and production. Although only small, increases in NZ GHG emissions from livestock could still be important if NZ sets agricultural GHG emission targets.20 pagesen© 2015 by The Authors. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copiesdairy consumptionChinaIndiaNew ZealandtradeImpacts of changes of consumption and production patterns in China and India on New Zealand trade and the environmentConference Contribution - unpublished