Castro, NicholasBates, Lauren CZieff, GabrielPagan Lassalle, PatriciaFaulkner, JamesLark, SallyHamlin, MichaelSkidmore, PaulaSignal, TLWilliams, Michelle AHiggins, SimonStoner, LeePessôa Filho, Dalton Müller2022-11-142022-10-262022-10-262022-09-261932-620336288267 (pubmed) factors contribute to childhood obesity risk, however it is unclear which lifestyle factors are most strongly associated with childhood obesity. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to simultaneously investigate the associations among dietary patterns, activity behaviors, and physical fitness with adiposity (body fat %, fat mass, body mass index [BMI], and waist to hip ratio) in preadolescent children. Preadolescent children (N = 392, 50% female, age: 9.5 ± 1.1year, BMI: 17.9 ± 3.3 kg/m² were recruited. Body fat (%) and fat mass (kg) were measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis. Cardiorespiratory fitness (VO₂ max), muscular strength (hand-grip strength), activity, sleep, and dietary pattern was assessed. Multivariable analysis revealed that cardiorespiratory fitness associated most strongly with all four indicators of adiposity (body fat (%) (β = -0.2; p < .001), fat mass (β = -0.2; p < .001), BMI (β = -0.1; p < .001) and waist to hip ratio (β = -0.2; p < .001). Additionally, fruit and vegetable consumption patterns were associated with body fat percentage, but the association was negligible (β = 0.1; p = 0.015). Therefore, future interventions should aim to promote the use of cardiorespiratory fitness as a means of reducing the obesity epidemic in children.14 pagesElectronic-eCollectionen© 2022 Castro et al.HumansBody Mass IndexCross-Sectional StudiesPhysical FitnessChildFemaleMaleAdiposityPediatric ObesityCardiorespiratory FitnessHumansBody Mass IndexCross-Sectional StudiesPhysical FitnessChildFemaleMaleAdiposityPediatric ObesityCardiorespiratory FitnessAdiposity in preadolescent children: Associations with cardiorespiratory fitnessJournal Article10.1371/journal.pone.02759821932-62032022-10-31ANZSRC::321005 Public health nutritionANZSRC::420605 Preventative health careANZSRC::321301 Adolescent health