Tangiora, Hiraina2024-09-112024-09-112023-10-142023https://hdl.handle.net/10182/17573Presentation given at Research-Policy Nexus Workshop : Nutrition for ALL: What can we learn from communities in Mountain and Hill Region?© The AuthorMāori values and agricultural value chainsConference Contribution - unpublishedANZSRC::450901 Te ahuwhenua me ngā mahi ngahere o te Māori (Māori agriculture and forestry)ANZSRC::300606 Food sustainabilityANZSRC::451104 Ngā mahi tauhokohoko o te Māori (Māori commerce)ANZSRC::451105 Te whanaketanga ā-hapori, ā-rohe o te Māori (Māori community and regional development)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives